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. 2020 Aug 7;11(3):325–327. doi: 10.4103/tjo.tjo_33_20

Table 1.

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Unilateral Choroidal Nevus and Melanoma: Demographics and Ocular Features of Patients and Areas Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUCs) of Macular Vascular Parameters of Capillary Vascular Density and Foveal Avascular Zone to Detect Choroidal Melanoma

Demographics and Ocular Features Eye With Choroidal Nevus, N=57 Eyes of 57 Patients Eye With Choroidal Melanoma, N=24 Eyes of 24 Patients P
Age, mean (median; SD; range) 51.7 (55; 15.8; 13-85) 52.9 (48; 16.2; 25-77) 0.41
Sex (n=patients) n (%) 0.27*
  Female 36 (63) 12 (50)
  Male 21 (37) 12 (50)
Involved eye (n=eyes) n (%) 0.03*
  Right 25 (44) 17 (71)
  1eft 32 (56) 7 (29)
Tumor location (n = eyes) n (%) 0.92*
  Macula 26 (46) 9 (38)
  Superior 8 (14) 5 (21)
  Temporal 5 (9) 2 (8)
  Inferior 6 (11) 2 (8)
  Nasal 12 (21) 6 (25)
Thickness, mean (median; SD; range), (n=tumors), mm 1.4 (1.4; 0.7; 0-2.4) 4.65 (3.75; 2.6; 2-12) <0.01
Subretinal fluid in macular area (n=eyes) n (%) 5 (9) 12 (50) <0.01*
Tumor proximity to optic disc, mean (median; SD; range) (n=tumors), mm 2.5 (2; 2.2; 0-8) 3.2 (2.8; 3.3; 0-12) 0.10
Tumor proximity to foveola, mean (median; SD; range) (n=tumors), mm 2.2 (2; 2.1; 0-11) 3.3 (2; 4.0; 0-14) 0.06
AUCs of Macular Vascular Parameters of Capillary Superficial layer Deep layer
CVD, AUC (95% confidence interval) 0.73 (0.62-0.82) 0.80 (0.70-0.88)Ω 0.12Σ
FAZ, AUC (95% confidence interval) 0.53 (0.42-0.64) 0.56 (0.45-0.67) 0.5Σ
p-value 0.03Ψ 0.01Ψ

*Chi-square analysis. Student’s t-test. AUC indicates area under the curve; SD, standard deviation; CVD, capillary vascular density; FAZ, foveal avascular zone. ΩThe parameter and layer combination (deep CVD) with the greatest AUC, reached statistical significance when compared against AUCs of superficial FAZ and deep FAZ (p-value <0.01 and p-value<0.02, respectively). Stratification to only eyes without subretinal fluid the AUC of deep CVD was 0.78. ΨComparison by macular vasculature parameters (CVD vs. FAZ). ΣComparison by layers (superficial vs. deep).