a) Workflow of the experiment. PLK2 inhibition is started 24 hours before S129A PFF injection and continued until tissue collection at 7 dpi. The timeline is depicted as days in vitro (DIV). b) Immunoblotting of OHSCs from wild type (C57Bl6) pups, showing expression of endogenous α-syn and pS129 α-syn at 0, 7 and 14 days in culture, demonstrating the presence of a basal level of physiological RIPA-soluble pS129 α-syn in the slices. c) Immunoblotting of the RIPA-soluble fraction of PLK2i- or DMSO-treated slices ± PFFs for pS129 and total α-syn, demonstrating reduction of pS129 in PLK2i-treated slices in a PFF-independent manner. d & e) Quantification of immunoblots for pS129 (d) and total α-syn (e) in the RIPA-soluble fraction. Band values relative to βIII-tubulin were normalized to DMSO/non-injected group and represent mean ± SD. n = 3 independent experiments of 8 to 10 slices per group in each experiment. Statistical comparisons were performed using one-way ANOVA with Fisher’s LSD as post hoc test, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. P-values for pS129 (d) were 0.004 (DMSO vs. PLK2i) and 0.007 (PFF+DMSO vs. PFF+PLK2i). P-values for total α-syn (e) were 0.0498 (DMSO vs. PLK2i) and 0.6607 (PFF+DMSO vs. PFF+PLK2i). f) Immunoblotting of the RIPA-insoluble fraction of PFF-injected slices ± PLK2i shows that PLK2 inhibition does not affect generation of aggregates or S129-phosphorylation of α-syn in the insoluble fraction. Representative blot from 3 independent experiments. Molecular size markers in kDa are indicated. g & h) Quantification of immunoblots for pS129, p-value = 0.9604 (g), and mouse α-syn, p-value = 0.3421 (h), in the RIPA-insoluble fraction. n = 3 independent experiments of 8 to 10 slices per group in each experiment. Statistical comparisons were performed using Welch’s test.