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. 2021 Oct 6;598(7879):86–102. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03950-0

Extended Data Fig. 4. Anatomical characterization of MOp-ul neuron types.

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, MOp-ul neurons classified by projection targets or transgenic Cre expression. Top, retrograde tracing using CTb revealed layer-specific distributions of MOp-ul neurons with respect to their major projection targets. Representative images (left) show neurons labeled by CTb injections into cortical areas (TEa, contralateral MOp), SC in the midbrain, and PO of the thalamus. Detected cells were pseudo-colored and overlaid onto a schematic coronal section near the center of MOp-ul (right). MOp neurons that project to TEa are distributed in L2 and L5 (yellow), to the contralateral MOp in L2-L6b (purple), to targets in the pons and medulla in L5b (blue), and to thalamus in L6a (red). Bottom, distribution of neurons labeled in transgenic Cre lines was mapped in MOp and across the whole cortex. Images (left) show laminar patterns of Cre+ nuclei in MOp-ul from four driver lines (Cux2, Tlx3, Rbp4, and Ntsr1). Detected nuclei from these lines, plus the Ctgf-Cre line, were pseudo-colored and overlaid onto a schematic coronal section near the center of MOp-ul (right). Cre+ nuclei are found in L2-4 in Cux2; L5a and superficial L5b in Tlx3; L5a and L5b in Rbp4; L6a in Ntsr1, and L6b in Ctgf. b, 3D views show brain-wide MOp input–output patterns at the population and single cell resolution. Top left, regional MOp inputs and outputs were mapped using retrograde (in red, example showing rabies tracing from the Tlx3-Cre line) and anterograde (in black, example showing AAV-EGFP) tracing methods. Top right, whole-brain axonal trajectories from 6 Cre line-defined subpopulations labeled with Cre-dependent AAV tracer injections at the same MOp-ul location. Bottom, individual projection neurons were fully reconstructed following high-resolution whole-brain imaging of sparsely labeled cells. Representative examples of IT, ET, and CT neurons are shown in each panel. The two ET examples represent distinct projection types; medulla (dark blue)- and non-medulla-projecting (light blue). 3D renderings were generated following registration of projection and reconstruction data into CCFv3 using BrainRender88.