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. 2021 Oct 6;598(7879):159–166. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03970-w

Extended Data Fig. 11. Approaches for further establishing synaptic connectivity in downstream targets of MOp.

Extended Data Fig. 11

Related to Fig. 2. a, To distinguish fluorescent labeling of synaptic boutons versus axons of passage in a given MOp target, AAV-hSyn-mRuby2-sypEGFP was injected into MOp-ul and the anterior pretectal nucleus (APN) was examined for the presence of synaptophysin-tagged EGFP+ boutons (green) and mRuby2+ axons (red). b, Injection site in MOp-ul. c, Labeling of boutons and axons in APN at 4X, 10X (d), and 40X magnification (e), confirming synaptic innervation of the downstream structure. f, Similarly, AAV1-hSyn-Cre may be used to confirm and quantify synaptic connectivity in a given target region following anterograde transsynaptic spread of the virus to downstream neurons and subsequent expression of tdTomato in Ai14 Cre-reporter mice. g, Injection site in MOp-ul. h, Post-synaptically labeled tdTomato+ cells (red) in APN at 4X, 10X (i), and 40X magnification (j) confirming a similar pattern of innervation as shown in (d). Blue, fluorescent Nissl stain. Values in mm relative to bregma. Scale bars, 1 mm (b, c, g, h), 200 µm (d, i), 50 µm (e, j).