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. 2021 Apr 15;35(10):1428–1441. doi: 10.1177/02692155211010369

Table 4.

Mean scores on primary and secondary outcomes at all assessment time points with within-group changes from start-of-treatment to follow-up two-months and follow-up eight-months, by group.

Intervention group
Control group
Start-of-treatment n = 63
Two-months follow-up n = 59
Eight-months follow-up n = 56
Change from start-of-treatment to follow-up two-months
Change from start-of-treatment to follow-up eight-months
Start-of-treatment n = 61
Two-months follow-up n = 53
Eight-months follow-up n = 55
Change from start-of-treatment to follow-up two-months
Change from start-of-treatment to follow-up eight-months
Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE)
MCS (0–100 worst-best) 45.5 (1.21) 47.9 (1.24) 47.9 (1.26) 2.4* 2.4* 44.2 (1.24) 46.0 (1.29) 47.3 (1.27) 1.8 3.1*
CGB (1–4 best-worst) 2.1 (0.10) 1.9 (0.10) 1.8 (0.10) −0.2* −0.3 2.0 (0.10) 2.0 (0.10) 1.8 (0.10) 0.0 −0.2*
FACES (0–10 worst-best) 3.0 (0.14) 3.2 (0.15) 3.0 (0.15) 0.2* 0.0 3.1 (0.15) 3.2 (0.15) 3.2 (0.15) 0.1 0.1
FCS (10–99 worst-best) 63.9 (3.14) 70.7 (3.18) 66.7 (3.22) 6.8* 2.8 68.3 (3.19) 68.9 (3.28) 69.5 (3.26) 0.6 1.2
FSS (10–99 worst-best) 53.8 (3.56) 59.5 (3.62) 58.1 (3.67) 5.7* 4.3 57.2 (3.62) 59.3 (3.73) 59.2 (3.70) 2.1 2.0
QOLIBRI (0–100 worst-best) 59.2 (3.01) 62.2 (3.05) 61.0 (3.06) 3.0 1.8 57.0 (3.01) 63.1 (3.06) 62.1 (3.04) 6.1* 5.1*

MCS: mental component summary; CGB: caregiver burden scale; FACES: family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scale; FCS: family communication scale; FSS: family satisfaction scale; QOLIBRI: quality of life after brain injury questionnaire.


Significant within-group changes P < 0.05.