Lrp6 haploinsufficiency (Lrp6(+/-)) ameliorated liver injury and reduced the efficacy of silibinin in NAFLD mice. (A) Comparison of liver function, as determined from the levels of enzymatic markers, and liver/body weight ratio between the Lrp6(+/+) and the Lrp6(+/-) mice received MCD diet. The MCD diet was used to induce liver injury and NAFLD in mice. (B) Effect of Lrp6 genotypes on liver histological injury in mice received different diets and treatments. The histology of liver tissues was examined after H&E staining. The macrovesicular steatosis was indicated with arrows, while necroinflammatory foci were indicated with circular broken lines (Scale bar, 1μM for the above row, and 5μM for the below row in each group). (C) Effects of diets MCS and MCD on liver injury in mice. The hepatic steatosis, hepatocyte ballooning, lobular inflammation and NAS score were examined under microscopy and compared between the Lrp6(+/+) and the Lrp6(+/-) mice with and without silibinin treatment. (D) Comparison of the change rate for injury indicators between the Lrp6(+/+) and the Lrp6(+/-) mice groups. * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001; NS, No significance.