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. 2021 Jul;111(Suppl 2):S116–S125. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2021.306262


Characteristics of Recent Veteran VHA Patient Suicide Decedents by Facility Identification of Suicide: United States, 2013–2017

All, No. (Column %) or Mean ± SD Suicide Identified by Facility Effect Size P a
Yes, No. (Row %) or Mean ± SD No, No. (Row %) or Mean ± SD RR Cohen’s d
Total no. 11 148 3667 (32.9) 7481 (67.1)
Year of death .001
 2013 2110 (18.9) 618 (29.3) 1492 (70.7) 1 (Ref)
 2014 2191 (19.7) 718 (32.8) 1473 (67.2) 1.1
 2015 2241 (20.1) 767 (34.2) 1474 (65.8) 1.2
 2016 2290 (20.5) 794 (34.7) 1496 (65.3) 1.2
 2017 2316 (20.8) 770 (33.3) 1546 (66.8) 1.1
Sex < .001
 Female 454 (4.1) 190 (41.9) 264 (58.2) 1 (Ref)
 Male 10 694 (95.9) 3477 (32.5) 7217 (67.5) 0.8
Age, y < .001
 18 to < 35 1542 (13.8) 803 (52.1) 739 (47.9) Ref
 35 to < 55 2400 (21.5) 1011 (42.1) 1389 (57.9) 0.8
 55 to < 75 4504 (40.4) 1381 (30.7) 3123 (69.3) 0.6
 75 to 115 2702 (24.2) 472 (17.5) 2230 (82.5) 0.3
 Mean ± SD 60.1 ± 18.7 53.6 ± 18.3 63.3 ± 18.0 −0.5 < .001
Race/ethnicity < .001
 White 9009 (80.8) 2854 (31.7) 6155 (68.3) 1 (Ref)
 Black 562 (5.0) 179 (31.9) 383 (68.2) 1.0
 Hispanic 284 (2.6) 115 (40.5) 169 (59.5) 1.3
 Other 849 (7.6) 388 (45.7) 461 (54.3) 1.4
 Unknown 444 (4.0) 131 (29.5) 313 (70.5) 0.9
Married 4571 (41.0) 1443 (31.6) 3128 (68.4) 0.9 .01
Rurality of home address .003
 Urban 7061 (64.2) 2416 (34.2) 4645 (65.8) 1 (Ref)
 Rural 3931 (35.8) 1237 (31.5) 2694 (68.5) 0.9
Distance from home address to nearest VHA facility, miles 12.8 ± 20.5 12.5 ± 21.9 13.0 ± 19.7 0.0 .01
Region of the United States < .001
 Northeast 1207 (10.8) 372 (30.8) 835 (69.2) 1 (Ref)
 Midwest 2298 (20.6) 852 (37.1) 1446 (62.9) 1.2
 South 4648 (41.7) 1264 (27.2) 3384 (72.8) 0.9
 West 2992 (26.9) 1179 (39.4) 1813 (60.6) 1.3
Days since most recent VHA encounter 85.4 ± 119.6 48.6 ± 86.5 103.5 ± 129.0 −0.5 < .001
Facility type of most recent VHA encounter .002
 VAMC 6987 (62.7) 2351 (33.7) 4636 (66.4) 1 (Ref)
 CBOC 3122 (28.0) 952 (30.5) 2170 (69.5) 0.9
 Other 1039 (9.3) 364 (35.0) 675 (65.0) 1.0
Setting of most recent VHA encounter < .001
 Outpatient primary care 3089 (27.7) 763 (24.7) 2326 (75.3) 1 (Ref)
 Outpatient mental health 2172 (19.5) 1104 (50.8) 1068 (49.2) 2.1
 Outpatient emergency department 256 (2.3) 75 (29.3) 181 (70.7) 1.2
 Outpatient other 5460 (49.0) 1624 (29.7) 3836 (70.3) 1.2
 Inpatient mental health 80 (0.7) 44 (55.0) 36 (45.0) 2.2
 Inpatient non‒mental health 91 (0.8) 57 (62.6) 34 (37.4) 2.5
Diagnoses in previous 12 mo
 Any mental health or SUD diagnosis 6178 (55.4) 2796 (45.3) 3382 (54.7) 2.6 < .001
 Any SUD 2508 (22.5) 1245 (49.6) 1263 (50.4) 1.8 < .001
 Opioid SUD 478 (4.3) 257 (53.8) 221 (46.2) 1.7 < .001
 Bipolar disorder 860 (7.7) 439 (51.1) 421 (49.0) 1.6 < .001
 Schizophrenia 383 (3.4) 194 (50.7) 189 (49.4) 1.6 < .001
 Depression 3989 (35.8) 1950 (48.9) 2039 (51.1) 2.0 < .001
 Anxiety 2252 (20.2) 1077 (47.8) 1175 (52.2) 1.6 < .001
 PTSD 2206 (19.8) 1214 (55.0) 992 (45.0) 2.0 < .001
Indication of homelessness in previous 12 mo 687 (6.2) 363 (52.8) 324 (47.2) 1.7 < .001
Indication of suicide attempt in previous 12 mo 471 (4.2) 324 (68.8) 147 (31.2) 2.2 < .001
 Per ICD diagnosis codes 257 (2.3) 175 (68.1) 82 (31.9) 2.1 < .001
 Per SPAN 341 (3.1) 239 (70.1) 102 (29.9) 2.2 < .001
No. of outpatient visit days in previous 12 mo 17.4 ± 23.2 25.4 ± 28.0 13.4 ± 19.3 0.5 < .001
No. of inpatient discharges in previous 12 mo 0.34 ±1.03 0.55 ± 1.33 0.24 ± 0.83 0.3 < .001
Clinical high risk for suicide flag in previous 12 mo 626 (5.6) 432 (69.0) 194 (31.0) 2.2 < .001
Suicide safety plan in previous 12 mo 703 (6.3) 457 (65.0) 246 (35.0) 2.1 < .001
Enrolled with VHA 10 880 (97.6) 3625 (33.3) 7255 (66.7) 2.1 < .001
Missed at least 1 VHA appointment in previous 1 mo 3888 (34.9) 1729 (44.5) 2159 (55.5) 1.1 .001
Mental health screening in previous 12 mo
 Screened for major depressive disorder 6493 (58.2) 2170 (33.4) 4323 (66.6) 1.0 .16
 Screened for PTSD 3630 (32.6) 1370 (37.7) 2260 (62.3) 1.2 < .001
 Screened for alcohol use disorder 8018 (71.9) 2935 (36.6) 5083 (63.4) 1.6 < .001
Method of suicide < .001
 Firearm 7697 (69.0) 2420 (31.4) 5277 (68.6) 1 (Ref)
 Poisoning 1280 (11.5) 342 (26.7) 938 (73.3) 0.9
 Suffocation 1561 (14.0) 694 (44.5) 867 (55.5) 1.4
 Other 610 (5.5) 211 (34.6) 399 (65.4) 1.1

Note. CBOC = community-based outpatient clinic; ICD = International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder; RR = relative risk; SPAN = Suicide Prevention Applications Network; SUD = substance use disorder; VAMC = Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center; VHA = Veterans Health Administration.


P value derived from χ2, t test, or Wilcoxon rank sum test comparing facility-identified decedents and nonidentified decedents.