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. 2021 Apr 15;11(7):jkab117. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkab117

Table 3.

List of candidate genes identified for disease resistance/stress tolerance traits using GWAS from individual studies and meta-GWAS

Chromosome Likely gene Meta-GWAS Individual studies GWAS Trait(s) Studies source
1 RLK3 * Bacterial pustule bp488001
3 Glyma.03g127100 * Pythium root rot PYU.11002
Glyma.03g130600 * * Iron deficiency chlorosis lssleepyeye04, meta
Glyma.03g262500 * SCN races: 14 Meta
Rps1 * * Phytophthora root rot races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 17 meta, PRR1, PRR1.10001, PRR1.10002, PRR1.10004, PRR1.11002, PRR1.11003, PRR1.461592, PRR1.488001, PRR1.492577, PRR1.492990, PRR10, PRR17, PRR17.491404, PRR17.492448, PRR17.492990, PRR2, PRR3, PRR3.492577, PRR3.492990, PRR4, PRR4.492990, PRR5, PRR5.492990, PRR7, PRR7.491404, PRR7.492448, PRR7.492990, prrdl96_1, prrdl96_3, prrfs04_17, prrfs04_7, prrrs01_1
Rps7 * * Phytophthora root rot races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 17 meta, PRR1, PRR1.10002, PRR1.10003, PRR1.10004, PRR1.11003, PRR1.488001, PRR1.492577, PRR1.492990, PRR10, PRR17, PRR17.491404, PRR17.492448, PRR17.492990, PRR2, PRR3, PRR3.492990, PRR5, PRR5.492990, PRR7, PRR7.491404, PRR7.492448, PRR7.492990, prrfs04_17, prrfs04_7
4 Glyma.04g190400 * * SCN races: 3, 4, 14 meta, SCN14, soyscnyoung94_3
Glyma.04g227900 * Brown stem rot bsrcodeall
5 Glyma.05g137500/Glyma.05g137800 * Brown stem rot bsr97, bsrcode492477
6 Glyma.06g199600/Glyma.06g197800 * * Frogeye leaf spot, race 2 2ky91, Fe2, meta
7 Glyma.07g192200 * * SCN races: 1, 3, 5, 14 meta, SCN14, SCN14.491576, SCN14code.491576, soyscnanand_3, soyscnanand_5, soyscnyoung94_3, soyscnyoung94_5
8 Glyma.08g231100 * * SCN races: 3, 5, 14 meta, SCN14, soyscnyoung94_5, soyscnyoung94_14
Rhg4 * * SCN races: 1, 3, 5, 14 meta, SCN1, SCN14, soyscnyoung94_3
10 Glyma.10g273300/276600 * * SCN races: 14 meta, SCN14, SCN14.491576, SCN14code.491576, soyscnyoung94_14
11 Glyma.11g233500 * Phytophthora root rot races: 17 PRR17.492990
Glyma.11g234500 (SNAP11) * * SCN races 1, 3, 4, 14 meta, SCN14, sojascnarelli00, soyscnanand_5, soyscnyoung88_5, soyscnyoung94_5, soyscnyoung94_14
12 Glyma12g22660 * SCN races: 1 SCN1
13 Glyma.13g222300 * * SCN races: 1, 3, 14 meta, SCN14, sojascnarelli00, soyscnyoung94_14
Rag2/Rag5 * Soybean aphid aphidcm02
Rps3 * * Phytophthora root rot races: 1, 4, 12, 20, 25 PRR1, PRR1.10004, PRR1.11003, PRR1.492990, PRR12, PRR20, PRR25, PRR25.491404, PRR25.492990, PRR4, PRR4.492990, meta
Rsv1 * Peanut mottle virus pmv
14 Glyma.14g098900 * Brown stem rot bsr97, bsrcode492477
NSC14 * Northern stem canker NSC, NSC.491493
15 Glyma.15g052000 * Phytophthora root rot races: 2 PRR2
16 Glyma.16g096900 * Phytophthora root rot races: 2 PRR2
Rag3 * Soybean aphid aphidcm02
Rbs1/ Rbs2/ Rbs3 * Brown stem rot bsr97, bsr491584, bsrall, bsrcodeall
Rcs3 * * Frogeye leaf spot, race 2 2il81.1, Fe2, meta
Rps2 * * Phytophthora root rot races: 2, 25 PRR2, meta
17 Glyma.17g090200 * Bean pod mottle virus bpmvall
18 Glyma.18g138700 * Phytophthora root rot races: 5 PRR5, PRR5.492990
Rhg1 * * SCN races: 3, 4, 5, 14 meta, SCN14, soyscnanand_3, soyscnyoung88_5, soyscnyoung94_3, soyscnyoung94_14
Rps4 * * Phytophthora root rot races: 1, 3, 4, 25 meta, PRR1, PRR1.10001, PRR1.10002, PRR1.10004, PRR1.488001, PRR25, PRR25.491404, PRR4

* Bonferroni corrected P-value threshold [p-value 0.05 / number of markers].