Fig. 5.
S100B is expressed in the differentiating oligodendrocytes. a–k Co-expression of S100B and SOX10 in mouse CNS tissues. Most S100B+ cells in spinal white matter and a few in the gray matter co-express SOX10 (arrows) (a–c). Similarly, nearly all the S100B+ cells are SOX10+ in the corpus callosum, and SOX10+/S100B+ cells are also presented in the cortex region (arrows) (d–k). White arrow heads refer to SOX10–/S100B+ astrocytes. l–o Co-expression of S100B and MYRF in mouse CNS tissues. Nearly all MYRF+ cells express S100B in P4 spinal white matter and P15 corpus callosum (arrows). p, q Co-expression of S100B and ASPA in brain corpus callosum. ASPA+ mature oligodendrocytes that have completely lost S100B expression are represented by blue arrow heads and ASPA–/S100B+ myelinating oligodendrocytes are indicated by white arrow heads. r–w Quantitative analyses of the co-expression of S100B with SOX10, MYRF and ASPA. sc spinal cord, WM white matter, GM gray matter, CC corpus callosum. n = 3, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Bar, 100 μm