Selective cone ablation does not damage neighboring cones. Ablation of red, UV, or blue cone populations in the background of transgenically-labeled or immunostained cones. nfsB-expressing fish were crossed with the Tg(trβ2:tdTomato) line to visualize nontargeted red cones, with Tg(sws1:GFP) fish to visualize nontargeted UV cones, or with Tg(sws2:GFP) to visualize nontargeted blue cones. Anti-arrrestin3a immunostaining labels both red and green cones. (a) Maximum intensity projections of confocal image stacks from 10 dpf (3 dpa) control or Met-treated retinas. Met was applied for 1 hr at 7 dpf. (b) Plots show the mean cell density of each cone type from Met-treated larvae at 3 dpa, and from age-matched control fish. Each open circle represents a single retina, with the numbers of retinas analyzed shown in parentheses. Error bars are ± SEM. **p < .01; Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney rank sum test