Selective cone ablation induces biased and incomplete regeneration of specific cone types. Quantification of the densities of each cone type in control retinas, and of each cone type in the regenerated population (EdU-positive) after selective cone ablation. Plots show the mean population density across control and cone ablation conditions in 15 dpf (8 dpa) fish. Each circle represents one retina, with the numbers of retinas analyzed in parentheses. Because it was not technically feasible in most selective ablation conditions to visualize all cone populations together within a single retina, cone density measurements were pooled across retinas in which different cone populations were labeled. For each experimental condition, filled and open circles indicate measurements from transgenic lines in which different combinations of cone types were fluorescently labeled (see Section 2). Error bars are ± SEM. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001; Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney rank sum test