Fig 6. Bayesian BEAST [40] temporal dating of ATCC14028s and its natural derivatives.
The figure depicts a tip-dated tree of 419 genomes from HC20_373 whose metadata included a tip date and which were not outliers in preliminary analyses (Table 4), rooted with the same outgroup genome from HC20_147 described in Fig 4. The topology of partition clustering is consistent with that of an ML tree (Fig 4), and was emphasized visually by rearranging branches manually such that they grouped by partition without changing their length or phylogenetic relationships. Partitions A-E from Fig 4 are indicated at the right and marked by distinctive blocks of colors within the tree. Partition F is lacking because no dates of isolation were available for any genomes from that partition. Tips are color-coded by Genome Source, as indicated in the Key legend. The scale at the bottom indicates the most probable calculated dates for tips and internal branch-points, but is broken between 1890 and 1980 to save space.