Fig 8. Genes DE in trisomic T-cells significantly overlap with our consistently DE genes, especially with genes consistently DE in blood.
a) Venn Diagram showing the overlap between the consistently DE genes found in our meta-analysis and the top-DE genes in trisomic T-cells. The p-value of the fisher test for the enrichment is printed on top. b) Barplot showing the number of genes found DE in trisomic T-cells overlapping with the consistently DE genes in one or more tissue macro-category. c) Gene set enrichment for the top 500 consistently DE genes and the genes preferentially DE in each macro-categories across the list of the genes detected in trisomic T-cells ranked by their significance. Each red bar is a gene in the gene set, whose intensity of red is proportional to the number of occurrences. d) Boxplots showing the number of occurrences in the genes of the leading edge (left side of the distributions in panel c) compared to the ones not in the leading edge (right side).