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. 2021 Sep 27;10:e69523. doi: 10.7554/eLife.69523

Table 9. Functional studies included in the meta-analysis.

Studies N(TD) N(DD) Age in months Language Writing system Subject type Tasks Threshold
Voxel-wise Cluster-wise
Bach et al., 2010 18 14 99.6 German Alphabetic Children Covert reading task p < 0.005 24 voxels*
Beneventi et al., 2009 13 11 160.4 Norwegian Alphabetic Children Sequential verbal working memory task p < 0.001 10 voxels
Beneventi et al., 2010a; 13 11 160.4 Norwegian Alphabetic Children n-back task (Letter) FDR p < 0.05 5 voxels
Beneventi et al., 2010b 14 12 160.3 Norwegian Alphabetic Children n-back task (Picture) FDR p < 0.05
Blau et al., 2009 13 13 301.8 Dutch Alphabetic Adults Letter–speech-sound integration task p < 0.001 160 mm3*
Booth et al., 2007a 13 13 126.0 English Alphabetic Children Word judgment task p < 0.001 15 voxels
Boros et al., 2016 17 12 129.7 French Alphabetic Children String detection and passive reading task p < 0.001 FDR p < 0.05
Brambati et al., 2006 11 13 368.5 Italian Alphabetic Adults and adolescents Word reading and pseudoword reading p < 0.001 20 voxels
Brunswick et al., 1999 6 6 277.2 English Alphabetic Adults Explicit reading task p < 0.001
Brunswick et al., 1999 6 6 294.0 English Alphabetic Adults Implicit reading task p < 0.001
Cao et al., 2008 12 12 148.2 English Alphabetic Children Visual word rhyming task p < 0.001 10 voxels
Cao et al., 2017 13 17 134.0 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Auditory rhyming task p < 0.001 FDR p < 0.05
Cao et al., 2018 19 23 132.9 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Visual spelling task p < 0.001 FDR p < 0.05
Cao et al., 2020 17 16 137.3 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Visual rhyming task p < 0.001 FDR p < 0.05
Christodoulou et al., 2014 12 12 274.8 English Alphabetic Adults Sentence reading p < 0.001 FDR corrected
Chyl et al., 2019 24 24 105.4 Polish Alphabetic Children Visual word reading p < 0.001 50 voxels*
Conway et al., 2008 11 11 420.0 English Alphabetic Adults Auditory working memory task p < 0.005 150 mL
Cutting et al., 2013 19 20 147.02 English Alphabetic Adolescents Lexical decision task p < 0.005 34 voxels
Danelli et al., 2017 23 20 250.55 Italian Alphabetic Adults Pseudoword reading, auditory letter-name rhyming task, visual motion stimulation task and motor sequence learning task p < 0.001 FWE p < 0.05
Desroches et al., 2010 12 12 137.4 English Alphabetic Children Auditory rhyming task p < 0.001 15 voxels
Dufor et al., 2007 16 14 344.6 French Alphabetic Adult Auditory phoneme categorization task p < 0.01
Eden et al., 2004 19 19 512.4 English Alphabetic Adults Word repetition task and initial sound deletion task p < 0.001 80 voxels
Farris et al., 2016 16 15 112.2 English Alphabetic Children Object rhyming task  p < 0.001 10 voxels**
Feng et al., 2017 20 14 123.1 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Character spelling task and character rhyming task p < 0.001 12 voxels*
Francisco et al., 2018 20 21 303.7 Dutch Alphabetic Adults 1-back task p < 0.001 FWE p < 0.05
Gaab et al., 2007 23 22 127.8 English Alphabetic Children Sound discrimination task p < 0.01 20 voxels
Georgiewa et al., 1999 17 17 168.0 German Alphabetic Children Letter reading task, nonwords reading task, words reading task and phonological transformation task p < 0.05 p < 0.05
Grande et al., 2011 25 20 115.1 German Alphabetic Children Picture naming task and words reading task p < 0.001 t10 voxels
Grunling et al., 2004 21 17 162.8 German Alphabetic Adolescents Slash patterns matching task, letters matching task, words matching task, pseudoword matching task and pseudoword rhyming task p < 0.01 10 voxels
Hancock et al., 2016 11 16 125.0 English Alphabetic Children Word rhyming task p < 0.01 50 voxels
Heim et al., 2010 20 16 113.9 German Alphabetic Children First sound detection task, motion detection task, Posner attention task,auditory discrimination task p < 0.001 p < 0.05
Heim et al., 2013 15 11 435.4 German Alphabetic Adults Overt word reading p < 0.05
Heim et al., 2015 10 33 118.9 German Alphabetic Children Overt word reading FWE p < 0.05 100 voxels
Hernandez et al., 2013 16 15 252.7 French Alphabetic Adults Word rhyming task and font matching task p < 0.001*
Higuchi et al., 2020 14 11 172.7 Japanese Morpho-syllabic Adolescents Character/picture passive viewing task p < 0.005 20 voxels
Hoeft et al., 2006 10 10 133.9 English Alphabetic Children Visual word rhyming task p < 0.001 10 voxels
Hoeft et al., 2007 19 19 172.8 English Alphabetic Adolescents Visual word rhyming task p < 0.001 10 voxels
Horowitz-Kraus et al., 2016 9 10 120.5 English Alphabetic Children Narrative comprehension task p < 0.001 FWE corrected
Hu et al., 2010 8 8 171.6 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Sematic match task, word/ picture naming task p < 0.001*
Hu et al., 2010 10 11 164.5 English Alphabetic Children Sematic match task, word/ picture naming task p < 0.001*
Ingvar et al., 2002 9 9 287.0 Swedish Alphabetic Adults Word reading task and nonword reading task p < 0.001
Jaffe-Dax et al., 2018 19 20 302.2 Hebrew Alphabetic Adults Tone frequency discrimination task p < 0.05 corrected
Kast et al., 2011 13 12 314.5 German Alphabetic Adults Lexical decision task p < 0.001 30 voxels
Kovelman et al., 2012 12 12 108.4 English Alphabetic Children Auditory words rhyming task and auditory words matching task p < 0.001 25 voxels*
Kronbichler et al., 2006 15 13 187.9 German Alphabetic Adolescents Sentence verification task FDR p < 0.05 4 voxels
Kronschnabel et al., 2013 22 13 191.7 German Alphabetic Adolescents Rapid serial visual stimulation detect task p < 0.005 160 voxels*
Kronschnabel et al., 2014 22 13 190.9 German Alphabetic Adolescents Target detection task p < 0.005 160 voxels*
Landi et al., 2010 13 13 157.8 English Alphabetic Adolescents Rhyming task and semantic categorization task FDR p < 0.01 20 voxels
Langer et al., 2015 15 15 119.4 English Alphabetic Children Sentence reading task p < 0.005 50 voxels
Liu et al., 2012 11 11 142.8 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Word rhyming task and semantic judgment task p < 0.0002 18 voxels*
Liu et al., 2013a 14 14 141.8 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Lexical match task and character rhyming task  p < 0.001 10 voxels
Lobier et al., 2014 12 12 129.6 French Alphabetic Adults visual categorization of character task p < 0.001 20 voxels
MacSweeney et al., 2009 7 7 343.5 English Alphabetic Adults Picture rhyming task p < 0.01 20 voxels
Maurer et al., 2011 16 11 136.6 German Alphabetic Children Word matching task, pseudoword matching task, picture matching task p < 0.01 30 voxels*
McCrory et al., 2000 6 8 275.0 English Alphabetic Adults Words and pseudowords production p < 0.001,
McCrory et al., 2005 10 8 242.0 English Alphabetic Adults Words reading and pictures naming p < 0.05 corrected
Meyler et al., 2008 12 23 129.6 English Alphabetic Children Sentence comprehension p < 0.002 10 voxels
Monzalvo et al., 2012 23 23 130.0 French Alphabetic Children Passive picture/word viewing task and passive sentence listening task p < 0.001 p < 0.05 corrected
Olulade et al., 2012 9 6 247.7 English Alphabetic Adults Word rhyme task3-D spatial rotations p < 0.005 10 voxels
Olulade et al., 2015 12 16 120.5 English Alphabetic Children Implicit word reading p < 0.001 20 voxels
Paulesu et al., 2001 36 36 286.4 English, French, Italian Alphabetic Adults Word and non-word reading task p< 0.001 corrected
Paulesu et al., 1996 5 5 314.5 English Alphabetic Adults Letter rhyming and letter memory p < 0.001
Pecini et al., 2011 13 13 276.0 Italian Alphabetic Adults and adolescents Rhyme-generation task p < 0.05 corrected 100 mm3
Pekkola et al., 2006 10 10 330.6 Finnish Alphabetic Adults Audio-visual speech perception z > 1.8 p < 0.05 corrected
Perrachione et al., 2016 19 19 279.6 English Alphabetic Adults Speech perception p < 0.001 p < 0.001 FDR
Perrachione et al., 2016 24 23 267.0 English Alphabetic Adults Spoken words listening, Written words, objects, and faces viewing p < 0.001 p < 0.001 FDR
Perrachione et al., 2016 25 26 95.4 English Alphabetic Children Spoken words listening, Written words, objects, and faces viewing p < 0.001 p < 0.05 FDR
Peyrin et al., 2011 12 12 120.0 French Alphabetic Children Categorical matching task p < 0.001 15 voxels
Prasad et al., 2020 15 16 144.0 Hindi Syllabic Children and adolescents Auditory rhyming task, picture-naming task and semantic tasks p < 0.001
Reilhac et al., 2013 12 12 306.6 French Alphabetic Adults Perceptual matching task p < 0.001 15 voxels
Richlan et al., 2010 18 15 215.8 German Alphabetic Adults and adolescents phonological decision task p < 0.005 20 voxels
Rimrodt et al., 2009 15 14 141.0 English Alphabetic Children Sentence comprehension task p < 0.001 78 voxels*
Ruff et al., 2002 11 6 348.7 French Alphabetic Aadults Passive listening task p < 0.01 38 voxels
Rumsey et al., 1997 14 17 313.2 English Alphabetic Adults Pronunciation task and lexical decision task p < 0.01
Schulz et al., 2008 21 12 137.7 German Alphabetic Children Sentence reading task p < 0.001
Schulz et al., 2009 15 15 138.0 German Alphabetic Children Sentence reading task p < 0.001
Siok et al., 2004 8 8 132.0 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Homophone judgement task and lexical decision task p < 0.001 20 voxels
Siok et al., 2008 12 12 131.5 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Character rhyming task p < 0.005 10 voxels
Siok et al., 2009 12 12 131.5 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Font size judgment task p < 0.05 FDR corrected 10 voxels
Steinbrink et al., 2012 12 14 223.7 German Alphabetic Adults and adolescents Syllable discrimination p < 0.05 FWE corrected
Temple et al., 2000 10 8 362.7 English Alphabetic Adults Pitch discrimination task p < 0.001
Temple et al., 2001 15 24 127.5 English Alphabetic Children Letter rhyming task, letter matching task p < 0.001 20 voxels
van der Mark et al., 2009 24 18 136.1 German Alphabetic Children Phonological lexical decision task p < 0.001 10 voxels
van Ermingen-Marbach et al., 2013a 13 17 117.2 German Alphabetic Children Phoneme detection task p < 0.001 10 voxels
van Ermingen-Marbach et al., 2013a 13 14 116.4 German Alphabetic Children Phoneme detection task p < 0.001 10 voxels
van Ermingen-Marbach et al., 2013b 10 32 117.0 German Alphabetic Children Initial phoneme deletion task p < 0.01 30 voxels
Vasic et al., 2008 13 12 219.6 German Alphabetic Adults Verbal working memory task p < 0.005 p < 0.05
Waldie et al., 2013 16 12 365.1 English Alphabetic Adults Go/no-go lexical decision task p < 0.001
Weiss et al., 2016 22 21 325.1 Hebrew Alphabetic Adults Word reading task p < 0.001 50 voxels
Wimmer et al., 2010 19 20 247.6 German Alphabetic Adults and adolescents Phonological lexical decision task p < 0.005 10 voxels
Yang and Tan, 2020 16 16 123.5 Chinese Morpho-syllabic Children Homophone judgments task and component judgments task p < 0.005 25 voxels*
Zuk et al., 2018 13 11 114.0 English Alphabetic Children First sound matching task p < 0.005 50 voxels

equivalent to p < 0.05 corrected; ** equivalent to p < 0.01 corrected.