Table 4.
SLM estimation results for Covid-19 in Turkey.
Dependent Variable | |||||
Covid-19 February | Covid-19 March | Covid-19 April | Covid-19 May | Covid-19 Entire | |
Rho | 0,63570 | 0,51301 | 0,64468 | 0,55378 | 0,63360 |
(0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | |
Population density | 0,02198 | 0,07714 | 0,06900 | 0,01301 | 0,04367 |
(0,16) | (0,01)** | (0,04)** | (0,25) | (0,01)** | |
Elderly dependency ratio | 2,19597 | 4,92348 | 3,26373 | 0,749987 | 2,53681 |
(0,03)** | (0,01)** | (0,15) | (0,31) | (0,03)** | |
GDP per capita | -107,02100 | -98,916300 | 204,55200 | 68,35430 | 15,19730 |
(0,07) | (0,36) | (0,13) | (0,11) | (0,82) | |
Literacy rate | 4,20161 | 6,45409 | -0,43530 | -1,99376 | 1,95334 |
(0,15) | (0,23) | (0,95) | (0,35) | (0,57) | |
Hospital beds per 100.000 | 0,00784 | 0,00851 | 0,20456 | 0,12843 | 0,08592 |
(0,91) | (0,95) | (0,18) | (0,01)** | (0,26) | |
Number of physicians per 1000 | 0,62570 | 1,91598 | -17,20860 | 6,83399 | -5,22365 |
(0,95) | (0,92) | (0,45) | (0,36) | (0,65) | |
Likelihood Ratio | 22,1264 | 15,0034 | 31,6612 | 20,3275 | 28,8743 |
(0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | (0,00)*** | |
Breusch-Pagan test | 10,4084 | 17,1749 | 6,5904 | 2,2391 | 6,2659 |
(0,11) | (0,09) | (0,36) | (0,90) | (0,39) | |
Log likelihood | -418,236 | -465,343 | -483,674 | -391,316 | -426,801 |
AIC | 852,472 | 946,686 | 983,347 | 798,633 | 869,602 |
SWC | 871,62 | 965,842 | 1002,500 | 817,788 | 888,758 |
R-squared | 0,48 | 0,51 | 0,69 | 0,50 | 0,67 |
Notes: **, and *** denote significance at the 5%, and 1% level, respectively.
Source: The authors’ calculations.