Table 4.
Patient medical history features and weights used in the final Mass General Brigham Biobank CRTPFT+ algorithm for classification of COPD.
Model feature | Model weight | Variable type | Description |
Intercept | − 1.871 | ||
everPFTlt70 | 1.750 | NLP | Ever had a pulmonary function test with spirometry indicating pre-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio < 0.7 OR post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio < 0.7 |
nCOPDGTE3_365 | 0.465 | Coded | Ever diagnosed with 3 or more COPD-related ICD codes within any rolling time window of 365 days |
everTiotropium | 0.334 | Coded | Ever been prescribed tiotropium |
iNotWhite | − 0.239 | Coded | Race category denoting whether subject is White or Not White |
smkEver | 0.175 | NLP | Any current/former history of smoking |
everdxAtPulmClinic | 0.056 | Coded | Ever diagnosed with a COPD-related ICD code at a pulmonary clinic |
everCOPDmed | 0.048 | Coded | Ever been prescribed a medication used to treat COPD? |
nmedLAMA | 0.017 | Coded | Total count of distinct prescription codes for long acting muscarinic antagonists in participant medical record for treatment of lung diseases |
pftCount | − 0.016 | Coded | Total count of any kind of pulmonary function test |
ageCOPDt1Specific | 0.013 | Coded | Age (in years) at first ICD code specific to COPD |
nCOPD_ICD | 0.013 | Coded |
The COPD feature count of distinct dates on which a subject has a code from this feature ICD10: J40–J44 ICD9: 491, 492, 493.2, 496 |
nBronchitis | − 0.009 | Coded |
The count of distinct dates on which a subject has a Bronchitis ICD code ICD10: J40, J41, J42 ICD9: 490, 491 |
nBronchiectasis | − 0.008 | Coded |
The count of distinct dates on which a subject has a Bronchiectasis ICD code ICD10: J47 ICD9: 494 |
patient_dxenct | − 0.001 | Coded | Total number of encounters (visits) per subject with a coded diagnosis (any diagnosis not limited to COPD) |
The case assignment threshold for this model, holding specificity at 95%, was 0.754. For subjects who were missing PFT results, the everPFTlt70 variable was classified as ‘No’ in this model.