Figure 3.
Acute, acute after-, and long-lasting effects of Noisy CR (NCR) with different values of the stimulus jitter, σCR, as a function of the stimulation frequency and the number of stimulation sites for strong stimulation. (A–E) Simulation results for the acute mean synaptic weights, 〈w〉ac, at the end of the 1, 000 s stimulation duration; (A'–E') The acute Kuramoto order parameter, , time-averaged over the last 10 s of the stimulation duration; (A”–E”) The acute after-effect on synchronization as quantified by the Kuramoto order parameter, , time-averaged over a 10 s interval after cessation of the stimulation; (A”'–E”') Long-lasting desynchronization effects for respective stimulus jitters, as quantified by the Kuramoto order parameter, Equation (2), averaged over a 10 s interval 1,000 s after cessation of stimulation, . (A,A',A”,A”') show results for σCR = 0 which are similar to Kromer et al. (2020) but for longer stimulation durations. The white curves show theoretical estimates of the boundary between weakening and strengthening of interpopulation synapses, see Figure 2. Parameters: The stimulation duration was set to Tstim = 1, 000 s and Astim = 1.