Figure 6.
Differences between the outcomes of stimulation with deterministic stimulus onset times (CR/SCR) and NCR/SNCR stimulation with maximum jitter, σCR = 1. The difference maps for the acute mean weight (A,B) and for the long-lasting Kuramoto order parameter (A',B'). Parameter regions where NCR/SNCR led to smaller mean weight/values of the long-lasting Kuramoto order parameter compared to CR/SCR are marked red. Dashed vertical lines enclose the largest continuous range of stimulation frequencies where NCR/SNCR stimulation with maximum jitter led to similar or better outcome than CR/SCR stimulation. These frequency ranges are referred to as , and in the text. Data are taken from panels A,E (acute mean weight) and A”',E”' (long-lasting Kuramoto order parameters) of Figures 3, 4, respectively.