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. 2021 Sep 24;9:730008. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.730008


Summary of characteristics of cell types used in human 3D hepatic models.

Cell type Source Feature
PHHs Fresh or cryopreserved healthy human liver tissue Limited proliferative capacity in vitro
Batch-specific property
Possessing mature hepatocyte’s function
hASC-HLCs Human liver progenitor cells Preserved donor’s genetic background
Possessing hepatocyte’s function
hESC-HLCs Human embryos at morula or blastocyst stage Possessing fetal-like hepatocyte maturity
Less age-related genetic change
Showed more similarity to pericentral hepatocytes
hiPSC-HLCs Reprogrammed human somatic cells Preserved donor’s genetic background
Unlimited resources
Possessing fetal-like hepatocyte maturity
HepG2 cell line Well-differentiated human HCC Unlimited proliferation
More resembling fetal hepatocytes
Huh-7 cell line Unlimited proliferation
Impaired hepatocyte’s function
Possessing more tumor phenotypes
HepaRG cell line Chronic hepatitis C–induced human HCC Unlimited proliferation and tumorigenic
More resembling PHH functions than HepG2 and Huh-7 cell lines
Possessing properties of hepatic progenitors

PHHs, primary human hepatocytes; hASCs, human adult stem cells; hiPSCs, human induced pluripotent stem cells; hESCs, human embryonic stem cells; HLCs, hepatocyte-like cells; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma.