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. 2021 Jul 31;9(10):5435–5447. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2502


Knowledge of caregivers’ of children under five years old about mycotoxins in Kerio Valley, Elgeyo Marakwet County

Administrative wards
Questions regarding mycotoxins knowledge Total (n = 353) Emsoo (n = 118) Endo (n = 117) Arror (n = 118) χ2 value p‐value
n % n % n % n %
1. Heard of mycotoxins? Yes 70 19.8 23 19.5 30 25.6 17 14.4 4.677 0.096
2. Heard of aflatoxin? Yes 215 60.9 66 55.9 80 68.4 69 58.5 4.261 0.119
3. Heard of fumonisin? Yes 89 25.2 24 20.3 36 30.8 29 24.6 3.428 0.180
4. Can mention foods that can be contaminated by aflatoxin? Yes 195 90.7 60 90.9 72 90.0 63 1.3 0.080 0.961
5. Can mention foods that can be contaminated by fumonisin? Yes 57 64.0 17 70.8 20 69.0 20 55.6 1.912 0.384
6. Able to identify spoilt sorghum grains? Yes 327 92.6 108 91.5 111 94.9 108 91.5 1.284 0.526
7. Do you know the causes of mold growth in foods? Yes 321 90.9 109 92.4 103 88.0 109 92.4 1.786 0.409
8. Does consumption of mycotoxins contaminated food has any negative health effects? Yes 238 67.4 68 57.6 74 63.2 96 81.4 28.939 0.001*
9. Do aflatoxins and fumonisins in complementary foods cause:
1. Stunting? Yes 144 40.8 38 32.2 43 36.8 63 53.4 15.207 0.004*
2. Impaired immunity? Yes 162 45.9 40 33.9 51 43.6 71 60.7 22.974 0.001*
3. Abdominal pain? Yes 230 65.2 68 57.6 74 63.2 88 74.6 11.756 0.019*
4. Diarrhea? Yes 239 67.7 70 59.3 84 71.8 85 72.0 7.657 0.105
Source of information about mycotoxins 16.308 0.178
Mass media (e.g., radio) 86 39.4 24 36.9 34 42.0 28 38.9
Agricultural extension officers 41 18.8 11 16.9 17 21.0 13 18.1
Friends/neighbors 41 18.8 10 15.4 17 21.0 14 19.4
Reading 35 16.1 18 27.7 8 9.9 9 12.5
Seminars/experts 12 5.5 2 3.1 5 6.2 5 6.9
Women group 1 0.5 1 1.4
AVCD‐DT Project 2 0.9 2 2.8
Knowledge score
Poor 218 61.8 84 71.2 66 56.4 68 57.6 6.711 0.035*
Good 135 38.2 34 28.8 51 43.6 50 42.4

p <.05 significant by chi‐squaretest.