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. 2021 Jul 31;9(10):5435–5447. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2502


Practices of the caregivers toward mycotoxins management in Kerio Valley, Elgeyo Marakwet County

Administrative wards
Households postharvest practices Total (n = 353)


(n = 118)


(n = 117)


(n = 118)

χ2 value P‐value
n % n % n % n %
1. Dried sorghum after harvest? Yes 310 87.8 100 84.7 102 87.2 108 91.5 2.602 0.272
2. Drying duration
<7 days 36 11.6 4 4.0 8 7.8 24 22.2 20.807 0.001*
7 days 243 78.4 82 82.0 86 84.3 75 69.4
>7days 31 10.0 14 14.0 8 7.8 9 8.3
3. Drying on;
Bare grounds 199 64.0 67 67.0 57 55.9 75 68.8 15.157 0.004*
Canvas 103 33.1 33 33.0 37 36.3 33 30.3
Others (Concrete asphalt, rock surface) 9 2.9 0 8 7.8 1 0.9
4. Methods of checking grains dryness 3.053 0.802
Traditional methods
Looking at it 87 24.6 27 22.9 27 23.1 33 28.0
Squeezing/touching 85 24.1 29 24.6 29 24.8 27 22.9
Biting 180 51.0 62 52.5 60 51.3 58 49.2
Listening to the sound when winnowing 1 0.3 0 0.0 1 0.9 0 0.0
Modern method
Moisture meter 0
5. Threshing method used
Hand threshing 340 96.3 116 98.3 114 97.4 110 93.0 4.918 0.086
Use machine/thresher 13 3.7 2 1.7 3 2.6 8 6.8
6. Removed spoilt panicles before threshing? Yes 353 100 118 100 117 100 118 100
7. Suspect fungal contamination in grains based on;
Grains discoloration 265 81.8 85 79.4 80 73.4 100 92.6
Off‐smell 152 46.9 56 52.3 38 34.9 58 53.7
Bitter taste 3 0.9 3 2.8 1 0.9 0 0
I do not know 4 1.2 2 1.9 1 0.9 0 0
8. Use of spoilt grains
Thrown away 114 32.3 32 27.1 47 40.2 35 29.7 18.357 0.019*
Feed livestock 183 51.8 61 51.7 55 47.0 67 56.8
Making local brew 48 13.6 19 16.1 14 12.0 15 12.7
Re‐dry and consume 6 1.7 6 5.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
Sell 2 0.6 0 0.0 1 0.9 1 0.9
9. Other practices before storage of sorghum grains? Yes
Grains sorting 111 41.0 33 33.3 37 40.2 42 50.6
Winnowing after threshing 227 83.8 74 77.1 78 84.8 75 90.4
Cleaning of storage area 59 21.8 16 16.7 20 21.7 23 27.7
Fumigation of storage area 19 7.0 6 6.3 6 6.5 7 8.4
10. Type of store used
Traditional store 285 52.4 53 44.9 61 52.1 71 60.2 11.267 0.080
Modern store 18 5.1 6 5.1 3 2.6 9 7.6
Living room with improved structure 37 10.5 17 14.4 12 10.3 8 6.8
Living room without improved structure 131 32.0 42 35.6 41 35.0 30 25.4
11. Type of storage bags used
Gunny bags 94 26.6 47 39.8 28 23.9 19 16.1 40.828 0.001*
Hermetic bags 227 64.3 51 43.2 80 68.4 96 81.41
Sisal bags 23 6.5 14 11.9 7 6.0 2 0.7
Placed bundle of grains on the bare floor (No use of bags) 9 2.5 6 5.1 2 1.7 1 0.8
12. Stacking of storage bags
On wood pallets 207 58.6 59 50.0 64 54.7 84 71.2 16.396 0.012*
On the floor 131 37.1 52 44.1 48 41.0 31 26.3
On the stones 6 1.7 1 0.8 3 2.6 2 1.7
13. Duration of grains storage
0–6 months 235 66.6 71 65.3 84 71.8 74 62.7 3.316 0.314
More than 6 months 118 33.4 41 34.7 32 28.2 44 37.3
14. Sorghum flour storage material
Plastic bucket 265 75.1 66 55.9 99 84.6 100 84.7 36.830 0.001*
Gunny bag 63 17.8 39 33.1 10 11.9 14 11.9
Others (Khaki bag, animal skin bag) 25 7.1 13 11.0 8 6.8 4 3.4
15. Duration of flour storage
Less than 7 days 319 90.4 100 84.7 104 88.9 115 97.5 11.393 0.003*
More than 7 days 34 9.6 18 15.3 13 11.6 3 2.5
16. Ferment sorghum flour (Yes) 140 39.7 52 44.1 41 35.0 47 39.8 2.002 0.368
17. Attended training on IYC (Yes) 36 10.2 12 10.2 7 6.0 17 14.4 4.552 0.103
18. Mycotoxins contamination was part of the training (Yes) 9 25.7 6 85.7 3 18.8 17.752 0.001*
Practices score
Poor 266 75.4 102 86.4 84 71.8 80 70.8 12.237 0.002*
Good 87 24.6 16 13.6 33 28.2 38 32.2

p <.05 significant by chi‐square test.