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. 2021 Sep 24;12:737860. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.737860


Maximum lifespan, adult body weight and length of Sirenia and Cetacea samples used in this study.

Number Common name Scientific name Accession number N Maximum lifespan (Year) Adult body weight (Kg) Adult body lengthe (m)
1 Dugong Dugong dugon KJ022758 128 73a 360,000.0a 3.00e
Family Balaenopteridae
2 Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus JN801062 1 110a 136,000.0a 23.00e
3 Bryde’s whale Balaenoptera edeni KY938508 5 72a 16,000.0a 13.00e
4 Omura’s whale Balaenoptera omurai AB116097 4 95b 2,500.0a 11.00f
Family Delphinidae
5 Common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus MF669486 1 51.6a 200.0a 2.95e
6 Fraser’s dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei AB610384 6 18c 164.0a 2.50e
7 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus KY542107 26 34b 280.0a 2.60e
8 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis KX364256 4 40d 265.0d 5.20e
9 Irrwaddy dolphin Orcaella brevirostris MG703251 2 30a 190.0a 2.15e
10 Common dolphin Delphinus delphis U02664 2 40a 100.0a 2.50e
11 Pantropical spotted dolphin Stenella attenuata KY542112 29 46a 112.5a 2.50e
12 Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis AY842471 7 32a 114.0a 2.30e
13 Spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris NC032301 34 26d 51.5d 1.80e
14 Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba AM498734 57 57.5a 112.5a 2.25e
15 False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens AB377526 8 62.5a 748.0a 3.60e
16 Risso’s dolphin Grampus griseus AM498741 4 42.5a 425.0a 3.80e
17 Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus AJ226120 1 63a 2,200.0a 4.15e
Family Kogiidae
18 Dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima NC041303 4 22a 202.5d 2.40e
19 Pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps KY542109 3 17a 424.6a 3.05e
Family Phocoenidae
20 Finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides MG719601 5 33a 32.5a 1.75e
Family Physeteridae
21 Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus M93154 5 77a 28,500.0a 11.00e
Family Ziphiidae
22 Blainville’s beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris KF032863.2 1 27d 925.0d 4.70e
23 Cuvier’s beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris AB610404 1 62a 2,701.0a 6.50e

aAnAge database (Tacutu et al., 2018).

bStuarts’ Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa (Stuart and Stuart, 2015).

dGuide to the Mammals of Southeast Asia (Francis and Barrett, 2008).

eEncylopedia of Marine Mammals (Cerchio and Yamada, 2018).