Number | Common name | Scientific name | Accession number | N | Maximum lifespan (Year) | Adult body weight (Kg) | Adult body lengthe (m) |
Sirenia | |||||||
1 | Dugong | Dugong dugon | KJ022758 | 128 | 73a | 360,000.0a | 3.00e |
Cetacea | |||||||
Mysticeti | |||||||
Family Balaenopteridae | |||||||
2 | Blue whale | Balaenoptera musculus | JN801062 | 1 | 110a | 136,000.0a | 23.00e |
3 | Bryde’s whale | Balaenoptera edeni | KY938508 | 5 | 72a | 16,000.0a | 13.00e |
4 | Omura’s whale | Balaenoptera omurai | AB116097 | 4 | 95b | 2,500.0a | 11.00f |
Odontoceti | |||||||
Family Delphinidae | |||||||
5 | Common bottlenose dolphin | Tursiops truncatus | MF669486 | 1 | 51.6a | 200.0a | 2.95e |
6 | Fraser’s dolphin | Lagenodelphis hosei | AB610384 | 6 | 18c | 164.0a | 2.50e |
7 | Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin | Tursiops aduncus | KY542107 | 26 | 34b | 280.0a | 2.60e |
8 | Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin | Sousa chinensis | KX364256 | 4 | 40d | 265.0d | 5.20e |
9 | Irrwaddy dolphin | Orcaella brevirostris | MG703251 | 2 | 30a | 190.0a | 2.15e |
10 | Common dolphin | Delphinus delphis | U02664 | 2 | 40a | 100.0a | 2.50e |
11 | Pantropical spotted dolphin | Stenella attenuata | KY542112 | 29 | 46a | 112.5a | 2.50e |
12 | Rough-toothed dolphin | Steno bredanensis | AY842471 | 7 | 32a | 114.0a | 2.30e |
13 | Spinner dolphin | Stenella longirostris | NC032301 | 34 | 26d | 51.5d | 1.80e |
14 | Striped dolphin | Stenella coeruleoalba | AM498734 | 57 | 57.5a | 112.5a | 2.25e |
15 | False killer whale | Pseudorca crassidens | AB377526 | 8 | 62.5a | 748.0a | 3.60e |
16 | Risso’s dolphin | Grampus griseus | AM498741 | 4 | 42.5a | 425.0a | 3.80e |
17 | Short-finned pilot whale | Globicephala macrorhynchus | AJ226120 | 1 | 63a | 2,200.0a | 4.15e |
Family Kogiidae | |||||||
18 | Dwarf sperm whale | Kogia sima | NC041303 | 4 | 22a | 202.5d | 2.40e |
19 | Pygmy sperm whale | Kogia breviceps | KY542109 | 3 | 17a | 424.6a | 3.05e |
Family Phocoenidae | |||||||
20 | Finless porpoise | Neophocaena phocaenoides | MG719601 | 5 | 33a | 32.5a | 1.75e |
Family Physeteridae | |||||||
21 | Sperm whale | Physeter macrocephalus | M93154 | 5 | 77a | 28,500.0a | 11.00e |
Family Ziphiidae | |||||||
22 | Blainville’s beaked whale | Mesoplodon densirostris | KF032863.2 | 1 | 27d | 925.0d | 4.70e |
23 | Cuvier’s beaked whale | Ziphius cavirostris | AB610404 | 1 | 62a | 2,701.0a | 6.50e |
aAnAge database (Tacutu et al., 2018).
bStuarts’ Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa (Stuart and Stuart, 2015).
bNOAA Fisheries Web: (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce, 2020).
cAnimal Diversity Web: (Myers et al., 2020).
dGuide to the Mammals of Southeast Asia (Francis and Barrett, 2008).
eEncylopedia of Marine Mammals (Cerchio and Yamada, 2018).