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. 2021 Sep 24;12:747837. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.747837


The dual roles of ISR in various cancers.

Role of ISR in cancers Cancer type
Mediator of ISR is up-regulated in anoxic tumor cells Breast cancer Ishizawa et al. (2016)
Mediator of ISR is up-regulated in hypoxic tumor cells Cervical cancer Hartleben et al. (2021)
Adaptation to hypoxia Glioblastoma and colorectal cancer Darini et al. (2019)
Promotes survival of therapy-resistant hypoxic tumor cells Glioblastoma Darini et al. (2019)
Contribute to the resistance to anoikis and promote metastasis Fibrosarcoma Obeng et al. (2006)
ER stress is transmitted from tumor cells to myeloid cells and then facilitate tumor progression Prostate cancer Obiedat et al. (2020)
Increase or decrease the incidence of tumor Medulloblastoma Kato et al. (2018)
Contributes to chemoresistance BRAF mutated melanoma Long et al. (2013)
Contributes drug sensitivity to Trastuzumab HER2+ breast cancer Lamora et al. (2015)