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. 2021 Oct 7;20:391. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03907-8

Table 3.

Stability of P. falciparum culture 18S rRNA in DBS stored at four different temperatures

DBS control level Estimated parasites/mL Log10 copies/mL blood Pf qRT-PCR Pan qRT-PCR
P value by Welch’s t-test for log10 copies/mL blood
− 20 °C vs.− 80 °C 22 °C vs. − 80 °C 37 °C vs. − 80 °C − 20 °C vs. − 80 °C 22 °C vs. − 80 °C 37 °C vs. − 80 °C
High 3.5 × 106 10.41 0.719 0.340 0.034 0.647 0.441 0.037
Moderate 1.2 × 104 7.95 0.376 0.012 0.077 0.362 0.013 0.044
Low 1.4 × 103 7.02 0.207 0.637 0.935 0.292 0.874 0.330
Very Low 5 × 102 6.57 0.812 0.716 0.457 0.694 0.804 0.558

Pf P. falciparum, Pan pan-Plasmodium

Bold values denote p values < 0.05