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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 Aug 2;227:108918. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108918

Table 3.

Selected Maternal Risk Variables: Southeastern County II

Children with FASD
Mean  (SD)
Control Children
Mean  (SD)
χ2 p-value
Physical (n=5) (n=61)
Age at pregnancy (yrs) 30.4 (7.8) 28.3 (6.4) .689 .494
Height at interview (cm) 159.4 (8.8) 164.4 (6.8) −1.517 .136
Weight at interview (kg) 74.3 (25.2) 83.7 (23.1) −.860 .394
Demographic (n=5) (n=61)
Years of Education completed 12.6 (.9) 14.2 (2.5) −1.414 .163
Household yearly income - during pregnancy 25666 (12423) 45230 (29692) −1.121 .270
Household yearly income – at interview 22529 (28227) 51168 (38265) −1.652 .212
Marital Status – current
 Married 40.0 63.3
 Divorced/Widowed/Separated/Single 60.0 32.7
 Living with Partner 0.0 4.1 1.570 .456
Health Status (n=5) (n=59)
Postpartum depression (% Yes) 60.0 16.9 5.278 .022
Postnatal Environment (n=5) (n=58)
Breastfed (% Yes) 0.0 59.3 4.249 .011
Partner ever had a drinking problem^
 Never 50.0 82.8
 In the past, but not currently 0.0 6.9
 Currently 0.0 0.0
 Both past and currently 50.0 10.3 3.839 .129
Alcohol Use – Before and During Pregnancy (n=5) (n=60)
Drank before pregnancy (% Yes) 80.0 48.3 2.115 .146
# of drinks consumed on usual drinking day before pregnancy1 2.8 (1.5) 1.9 (1.4) 1.017 .319
Usual frequency – before pregnancy1
 Everyday or almost everyday 50.0 0.0
 3–4 times per week 0.0 3.6
 1–2 times per week 25.0 14.3
 2–3 times per month 25.0 17.9
 1 time per month or less 0.0 64.3 17.067 .002
Drank in 1st trimester (% Yes) 20.0 4.0 2.405 .300
Alcohol Use - Current (n=5) (n=58) 11.787 .001
Recovering drinker at interview (% Yes) 20.0 0.0 9.384 .002
Drug Use (n=5) (n=60)
Used tobacco – in lifetime^
 Yes, within last 30 days 50.0 21.7
 Yes, in lifetime 50.0 31.7
 Never 0.0 46.7 .921 .631
Used any drug in lifetime (% Yes) 20.0 47.9 1.424 .233
Used marijuana – in lifetime (% Yes) 20.0 43.8 1.052 .305
Used crack/cocaine – in lifetime (% Yes) 20.0 8.3 .721 .396
Abused pain killers – in lifetime (% Yes) 20.0 3.4 2.846 .092

Among those who reported drinking in the given time period.


Only four respondents answered this question.