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. 2021 Sep 14;14:712609. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2021.712609



Differential expression of interneuron marker genes across subtypes upon Grin1-ablation. (A) Heatmap of log2 FC of significant DEGs in neocortical and hippocampal MGE cardinal subtypes, showing notable MGE marker genes. Representative box-violin plots of top differentially expressed genes from the above that represent (Bi), a misexpression unique to a single MGE-interneuron subtype in the Grin1fl/fl (Bii), a misexpression across all MGE-derived interneuron subtypes in the Grin1fl/fl; (Biii), a misexpression between MGE-derived interneuron subtypes in the Grin1fl/fl. (C) MGE-Ribotag-seq normalized reads, cross-validating the misexpressed interneuron marker genes in neocortex and hippocampus.