Figure 1.
Expression pattern of connexin family members during tooth development. (A) Differential expression of analysis of cell-type marker genes using uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) visualization of single-cell RNA-seq libraries from postnatal (P) day P7 Krt14-RFP mice incisors (Chiba et al., 2020). am, ameloblast; Pam, pre-ameloblast; iee, inner enamel epithelium; si/sr/oee, stratum intermedium, stellate reticulum, and outer enamel epithelium; od, odontblast; df, dental follicle; pdl, periodontal ligament; leu, leukocyte; ery, erythrocyte; neu, neural cell; encoendothelium. (B) Differential gene expression analysis of connexin family members detected in single-cell RNA-seq libraries from P7 Krt14-RFP mice incisors.