(A) Representative phase contrast images of blebbistatin-treated cells, cultured on TCPS, G-100, and G-25 substrates for nine days post-priming. Scale bar: 50 μm. (B) Biomechanical characteristics (EY, FT, TM, RT) of blebbistatin-treated cells on these substrates after nine days in culture. The red lines represent the mean ± standard deviation of the data while the symbols represent the data points in each case. * denotes p< 0.05. (C) Representative immunofluorescence images of blebbistatin-treated cells on TCPS, G-25, and G-100 substrates after nine days in culture. Primary antibodies for SOX2, β-III tubulin, and GFAP were used, with appropriate secondary antibodies, and cells counterstained with DAPI. Percentage of positively stained cells were manually counted in respective cultures and normalized to total cell density (n > 200 cells/condition). Scale bar: 50 μm.