Fig. 2. Structures of the γ-HC and IC/LC-tower.
a, The overall architecture of γ-HC, which has a special tail and is distinct from the classical heavy chain. b, The γ-linker docks on the γ-ring in a new mode (post-2), which has three distinct linker–ring interaction sites indicated by colored pentagrams (blue, AAA2L H2 insert/LS1; green, AAA5 PS-I/LS0-1; red, AAA3E/LS0). c, The overall architecture of the IC/LC-tower. The tower consists of two ICs and five heterodimers of LCs, the IC2/3, LC7-a/b, LC8-1a/b, LC8-2a/b, LC8-3a/b and Tctex-a/b. In addition to the two cross-overs and five contact sites between IC2/3 NTEs, a helical bar (residues N121–E147) and a β-hairpin (residues N85–E100) of IC2 force the Tctex-a/b dimer to fold back and attach to the side of LC8-2a/b and LC8-3a/b, facing toward the inner side of the OAD array. d, A schematic of the interaction interface between ICs and LCs.