Fig. 7. A proposed model for the allosteric switch role of TTH interfaces in motor coordination.
a, An OAD-MTD array adopts post-1 in the apo state. b, In the ATP-bound state, the OAD unit that has relaxed motor domains is active (yellow), while the rest (magenta) are restrained by TTH interactions. c–f, Once the TTH interfaces are disrupted by ATP hydrolysis of the active OAD, it will sequentially relax downstream OAD units (second unit relaxed (c), third unit relaxed (d), fourth unit relaxed (e), all units in the pre-powerstroke state (f)) along the array. g, A putative model of the OAD-MTD array in ADP-bound state, which is presumed to be 8 nm forward. h, After ADP release, the OAD array adopts the post-2 state and bends the local MTD. The models of the OAD array in ADP-Pi and ADP states were built by fitting our atomic coordinates into previously reported cryo-ET maps (EMD-5758, EMD-5619)12,17.