PROPER v.1.0. (A) The entire PROPER v.1.0 network with proteins as nodes
and PPIs as edges. The degree of nodes is color-coded from high (red) to low
(blue). (B) PROPER’S degree distribution, with the degree (number of
connections of a node) (x axis) plotted against the proportion of nodes in that
degree (y axis). Arrow: the PARP1 node. The fitted probability density function
of the degree distribution is proportional to
k−1076, where k is the
degree. (C) The number of genes (x axis) of each GO term (dot) vs. the
enrichment level of this GO term in PROPER v.1.0 (y axis). Color of the dots: the
GO terms with less (green) and more (yellow) than 300 genes. (D) The translation
subnetwork. (E) The RNA splicing subnetwork, including the core components of
human spliceosomes (U snRNP), components of the pre-spliceosome complex, the
precatalytic spliceosome and catalytic step 1 spliceosome (Complex A/B/C), the
exon junction complex (EJC), and the transcription and export complex (TREX), as
well as SR proteins, Sm proteins, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins
(hnRNP) and pre-mRNA processing factors (Prp). Pink edges: known PPIs (as
documented in APID database). Grey edges: previously uncharacterized PPIs.