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. 2021 Jul 1;98(Suppl 2):133–148. doi: 10.1007/s11524-021-00549-8

Table 1.

Description of father and child measures

Variable/measure Description Scale Subscale (# of items) Scale rangea Cronbach alphab
Physiological well-being (father)
Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) (Radloff, [32]) Depression symptoms experienced in the past week

0 = rarely or none of the time

3 = most or all of the time

Total scale (20) 0–60 (S) .82
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (Cohen et al., [33]) Degree in which situations are experienced as stressful

0 = never

4 = very often

Total scale (10) 0–40 (S) .77
Taylor Inventory of Self-Esteem (Taylor & Tomasic, [34]) Measures of self-esteem and rewards and costs to self

0 = never

8 = always

Negative self-esteem (8) 0–8 (M) .65
Positive self-esteem (8) 0–8 (M) .83
Communication and problem solving (father)
Tolerance For Disagreement (TFD) (Teven et al., [35]) The degree of tolerance of interpersonal disagreement

1 = strongly disagree

5 = strongly agree

Total scale (15) 15–75 (S) .68
Personal Problem Solving Inventory (PSI) (Maydeu-Olivares & D'Zurilla, [36]) Subscales of problem solving self-efficacy and problem solving skills

1 = strongly agree

6 = strongly disagree

Efficacy(7) 1–6 (M) .70
Skills (9) 1–6 (M) .65
Father-mother relationship quality

Quality of Relationship Inventory (QRI)

(Pierce et al., [37])

Measure of support, conflict, and depth of father-mother relationship

1 = not at all

4 = very much

Conflict (12) 1–4 (M) .83
Support (7) 1–4 (M) .87
Depth (6) 1–4 (M) .85
Parenting (father)
Parent Behavior Checklist (PBC) (Fox, [38]) Measure of parenting skills and knowledge

1 = almost never/never

4 = almost always/always

Discipline (10) 1–4 (M) .76
Nurturing (10) 1–4 (M) .75
Expectations (12) 1–4 (M) .85
Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (PSOC) (Johnston & Mash, [39]) Parent satisfaction and self-efficacy in their role

1 = strongly disagree

6 = strongly agree

Satisfaction (9) (S) .59
Self-efficacy (7) (S) .70
Paternal involvement (father)
Julion Index of Paternal Involvement (JIPI; Julion, [40]) Direct father-child interaction (caregiving, teaching, and nurturing)

1 = never

4 = almost always

Total scale (19) 1–4 (M) .94
Fragile Families Survey (FFS; Reichman et al, [41]) Material and in-kind support fathers provide for their children

1 = never

4 = always

Total scale (13) 13–52 (S) .84
Child behavior (child)
Behavior Assessment System for Children 3rd Ed (BASC-3) (Reynolds & Kamphaus, [42]) Adaptive and problem behaviors in community and home setting

0 = never

3 = almost always

Aggression (11) T-scoresd .45
Attention (6) .58
Depression (11–14) .69
Hyperactivity (10, 11) .70

aLetter in parentheses indicates whether mean (M) or sum (S) scored

bCronbach alpha reliability coefficient in study sample at baseline assessment (N =178)

cIndividual items used for analysis

dPreschool and school age version of the BASC-3 was used and scores were converted to T-scores using norms based on age and gender