Table 2.
Note. An incongruence score was calculated for each participant by computing the absolute value of the difference between their Preferred Birth (T1) and Place and Mode of Birth (T2) [15]. Values of Preferred Birth and Place and Mode of Delivery are indicated in the column and row headers. For example, the score for a woman who planned a home birth (7) and had a vaginal birth with an epidural (4) would be 3 (7−4 = 3). A score for a woman who planned a caesarean birth (2) and had an instrumental vaginal birth (3) would be 1 (2−3=|1|). Scores ranged from 0 to 6 with greater scores indicating greater Birth Preference Incongruence. Bold numbers represent the incongruence score; darker shade represents greater incongruence; numbers in parentheses are the number of women with that combination of Preferred Birth and Place and Mode of Birth.