Fig. 1.
MUS81 overexpression links with poor prognosis and WEE1 deficiency in gastric cancer. a Heatmap of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between gastric cancer and paracancerous tissues in the GSE62254 data set. The top 10 upregulated genes and top 10 downregulated genes are shown. b Volcano map of DEGs related to DNA damage and repair. The DEGs with ∣log (FC)∣ > 0.05 and -log (P-value) >1 are indicated; red, green, and yellow dots represent upregulated DEGs, down-regulated DEGs, and DEGs with non-significant changes, respectively. c High expression of MUS81 is associated with short overall survival time in patients with gastric cancer (GSE62254 data set). d Pearson correlation analysis of MUS81 and WEE1 in the GSE62254 data set. e Representative immunohistochemical staining of MUS81 and WEE1 in patients with gastric cancer. Scale bar: 100 μm. f Pearson correlation analysis was performed to validate the correlation of MUS81 and WEE1 protein expression in 26 patients with gastric cancer from Wuhan Union Hospital