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. 2021 Sep 28;8:1699–1720. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.09.003

Table 2.

Selected parameters of hair analysis for Synthetic Cathinones.

NPS Extraction Method Analysis Method LOD LOQ LOI/ LOR Concentrations- Clinical/forensic samples (pg/mg) References
Amfepramone MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 4 8 [20]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 13 40 [26]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 50 -/100 [21]
a-PBP Basic digestion, SPE/Extrelut column LC-MS 0.02 ng/ 10-mm 0.05 ng/10-
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 6 17 [26]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
α-PHP SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.1 1 4700.0/ 0−2.5 cm3600.0/ 2.5
−5 cm
a- PPP MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 13 25 α-PPP < LOQ [26]
a-PVP Basic digestion, SPE/Extrelut column LC-MS 0.02 ng/ 10mm 0.05 ng/ 10-mm 0.8−1.2 ng/10-
SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.3 1 52.8/ 0−2.5 cm 24.4/ 2.5
−5 cm
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 2 4 [20]
Acid digestion at 45 °C, PLE, SPE/C18 cartridge LC-HRMS 5 10 [23]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 17 24 α-PVP < LOQ [26]
a-PVT MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
Benzedrone MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 45 80 benzedrone < LOQ
Buphedrone SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 1 5 [24]
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 4.2 8.4 [20]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 23 40 [26]
Bupropion MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 17 18 [26]
Buthylone M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
Cathinone MeOH/ HCL 0.25 M at 50 °C GC/MS 3 20 [19]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 23 55 100−1,270
390 (pubic hair)
Dibutylone MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 14 23 [26]
Diethylcathinone M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
Dimethylcathinone M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
Ethcathinone M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC–MS/MS 2.3 5 11.0/ 0−2.5 cm [24]
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 3.1 6.2 [20]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 20 20 [25]
Ethylone SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.1 1 [24]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 2 5 [25]
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 7 12 [26]
MeOH, MeOH/HCL 33 % LC-MS/MS 10 [27]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
Eutylone MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 16 23 [26]
Heliomethylamine MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 7 8 [26]
MDBC MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MDMC MSPE: MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 60 °C, SPE/ C18 LC-MS/MS 1 2 [33]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [25]
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 3.2 6.4 28 [20]
MeOH, MeOH/HCL 33 % LC-MS/MS 10 [27]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 12 34 [26]
MDPPP MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 7 22 [26]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MDPV Basic digestion, SPE/Extrelut column LC-MS 0.02 ng/
0.05 ng/10-mm 16−22 ng/10-mm [35]
MSPE: MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 60 °C, SPE/ C18 LC-MS/MS 0.2 2 [33]
Acid/basic digestion at 95 °C, LLE with hexane/EA LC-MS/MS 0.5 LLOQ: 1 1000 [36]
Acid digestion at 45 °C, PLE, SPE/C18 cartridge LC-HRMS 0.5 8 [23]
SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.5 1 [24]
Incubation at 95 °C, LLE with Hept/EA, DCM/Isopropanol LC-HRMS- Orbitrap 1 5/- [30]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 1 -/100 [21]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 2 5 50 [25]
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 2 4 [20]
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
MeOH, MeOH/HCL 33% LC-MS/MS 10 [27]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 10 23 20−800 [26]
Mephtetramine ACN/H20/ TFA at 40 °C LC–HRMS-Orbitrap 50 200 [37]
Metamfepramone MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 7 10 metamfepramone < LOQ
Methcathinone or ephedrone (MC) SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 1 5 1600.0/ 0−2.5 cm695.6/ 2.5
−5 cm
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
MeOH, MeOH/HCL 33 % LC-MS/MS 10 [27]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ HCL 0.25 M at 50 °C GC/MS 11 40 [19]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 15 29 [26]
Methylbuphedrone MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 15 46 [26]
MOPPP MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 1 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 6 18 10 [26]
MPBP MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 1 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 9 23 [26]
Naphyrone or naphthylpyrovalerone (NPV) MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 1 -/100 [21]
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 2.5 5 [24]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 6 18 [26]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 10 20 [25]
N-ethylcathinone (EC) MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 16 44 [26]
N,N-DMC MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
Penthedrone M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
Pentedrone SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.4 1 198.4/ 0−2.5 cm586.2/ 2.5
−5 cm
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [25]
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 3.9 7.8 [20]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 18 39 7340 [26]
Penthylone M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
Pentylone SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.1 1 [24]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [25]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 8 23 [26]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
PMMC SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.2 1 [24]
MSPE: MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 60 °C, SPE/ C18 LC-MS/MS 1 2 [33]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [25]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 4 18 [26]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
Pyrovalerone MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 1 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 8 14 [26]
2-FMC Acid digestion at 45 °C, PLE, SPE/C18 cartridge LC-HRMS 4 50 [23]
2-Methoxymethcathinone Acid digestion at 45 °C, PLE, SPE/C18 cartridge LC-HRMS 7 20 [23]
3,4-DMMC SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.3 1 2800.0/ 0−2.5 cm572.6/ 2.5
−5 cm
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 5 20 [25]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 17 43 [26]
3-FMC MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 31 35 [26]
3-MMC MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ TFA at 45 °C, after pulver. LC-HRMS-Orbitrap 20 100 25.800 [38]
4-BMC MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 52 95 2730 [26]
4-FMC SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 1 5 41.1/ 0−2.5 cm45.6/ 2.5
−5 cm
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 5 10 [25]
MSPE: MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 60 °C, SPE/ C18 LC-MS/MS 5 10 [33]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
4-FPP Acid digestion at 45 °C, PLE, SPE/C18 cartridge LC-HRMS 7 30 [23]
4-MBu MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
4-MEC SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 0.4 1 2200.0/ 0−2.5 cm591.0/ 2.5
−5 cm
Acid/basic digestion at 95 °C, LLE with hexane/EA LC-MS/MS 0.5 LLOQ: 1 30,000 [36]
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 3 6 [20]
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 5 20 < LOQ; 26 [25]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 11 33 [26]
4-MMC MSPE: MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 60 °C, SPE/ C18 LC-MS/MS 1 2 [33]
SPE/Bond Elute Certify I LC-MS/MS 1 5 6200.0/ 0−2.5 cm1500.0/ 2.5
−5 cm
0.1 M HCOOH at 45 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [25]
M3® reagent at 100 °C LC-MS/MS 2 20 [29]
MeOH at 55 °C LC-MS/MS 2.4 4.8 50−59 [20]
Enzymatic digestion, LLE with chloroform/EtOH/DEE LC-MS/MS 2.5 5 21.11 [39]
Acid digestion at 45 °C, PLE, SPE/C18 cartridge LC-HRMS 4 10 [23]
Incubation at 95 °C, LLE with Hept/EA, DCM/Isopropanol LC-HRMS- Orbitrap 5 50/- [30]
MeOH/ACN/aq. HCOONH4 at 40 °C LC-MS/MS 7 10 220−3.500
mephedrone < LOQ
MeOH, MeOH/HCL 33 % LC-MS/MS 10 [27]
MeOH/ HCL 0.1 M at 40 °C, pulverization LC-MS/MS 10 -/100 [21]
Neutral digestion at 40 °C, LLE with EA GC-MS 80 200 200−313,20 [40]
4-Methylnorephedrine Enzymatic digestion, LLE with chloroform/EtOH/DEE LC-MS/MS 5 10 [39]