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. 2021 Sep 27;9:714497. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.714497

Table 1.

Indicators of public mental health in OECD countries.

# Indicator Reference example
1. Mental Health Promotion and Prevention [n = 7 indicators]
1 Mental health promotion budget (14)
2 Existence of mental health promotion programs (15)
3 Presence of mental health promotion in schools (14)
4 Presence of programs to support parenting skills (16)
5 Presence of suicide prevention programs (16)
6 Participation in selected or indicated preventive programs on mental health (17)
7 Anti-stigma movement (18)
2. Mental Health Resources [n = 19 indicators]
8 Spirituality (5)
9 Sleep (19)
10 Healthy lifestyle [e.g., nutrition, physical activity, substance/alcohol consumption] (20)
11 Self-efficacy (21)
12 Resilience (22)
13 Optimism (7)
14 Personality (19)
15 General trust (20)
16 Emotional intelligence (20)
17* Self-esteem (23)
18 Emotion regulation (22)
19 Life-domain/Work-life balance (7)
20 Satisfaction with work environment (7)
21 Neighborhood environment (20)
22 Perceived neighbourhood security (20)
23 Sense of community belonging (19)
24 Community involvement (20)
25 Political participation (20)
26 Social support/Social network (5)
3. Mental Health Risks [n = 16 indicators]
27 Chronic physical diseases (19)
28 Chronic pain (19)
29 Family history of mental disorders (19)
30 Family history of suicide-related behavior (19)
31 Critical life events trauma (24)
32 Adverse childhood experiences (24)
33 Violence (20)
34 Discrimination (20)
35 Chronic stress (25)
36 High job strain (7)
37* Cognitive impairment (26)
38 Housing conditions (20)
39 Stressful neighborhood conditions (20)
40 Income inequality in society (27)
41 Homelessness (28)
42 Loneliness (29)
4. Mental Health Literacy [n = 10 indicators]
43 Mental health-related knowledge (28)
44* Mental health locus of control (30)
45 Attitudes towards mental disorders (28)
46* Attitude towards mental health services / Mental health care (31)
47 Public attitudes toward people with a mental disorder (32)
48 Social distance toward persons with mental disorders (28)
49* Perceived legitimacy of discrimination of persons with mental disorders (33)
50* Self-stigma (31)
51* Help-seeking attitudes (31)
52 Competence in mental health self-management (34)
5. Positive Mental Health [n = 5 indicators]
53 Happiness (28)
54 Health-related quality of life (35)
55 Life satisfaction (20)
56 Well-being [e.g., emotional/subjective well-being; psychological, social, physical] (5)
57 Meaning in life (22)
6. Psychopathology [n = 34 indicators]
58 Prevalence of psychological distress (36)
59* Prevalence of burnout (37)
60* Incidence of any mental disorder (all F-diagnoses) (38)
61 Incidence of affective disorders (16)
62 Incidence of anxiety disorders (16)
63* Incidence of substance use disorders (23)
64* Incidence of psychotic disorders (39)
65* Incidence personality disorders (38)
66 Prevalence of anxiety disorders (36)
67* Prevalence of mood/Affective disorders (40)
68 Prevalence of depression (29)
69 Prevalence of postpartum depression (36)
70 Prevalence of bipolar disorders (36)
71* Prevalence manic episodes (41)
72 Prevalence of alcohol use disorder (42)
73 Prevalence of substance use disorder (24)
74 Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (43)
75 Prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (43)
76 Prevalence of schizophrenia (43)
77* Prevalence of psychotic disorder (41)
78* Prevalence of adjustment disorder (41)
79 Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (43)
80 Prevalence of eating disorders (43)
81* Prevalence of impulse control disorders (41)
82* Prevalence of somatoform and dissociative disorders (44)
83 Prevalence of personality disorders (43)
84 Prevalence of sleep disorders (19)
85 Prevalence of any mental disorder (all F-Diagnoses) (22)
86 Prevalence of severe mental disorders (43)
87 Prevalence of common/high prevalent mental disorders (22)
88 Prevalence of depression and/or anxiety disorders (45)
89 Prevalence of chronic mental disorders (28)
90 Comorbidity physical disease (22)
91 Comorbidity mental disorder (46)
7. Self-Harm and Suicidality [n = 6 indicators]
92 Self-harm (19)
93 Suicidality [e.g., ideations, plans] (19)
94 Suicide attempts (19)
95 Suicide rate of the general population (47)
96 Suicide rate of mental health inpatients and recently after discharge (48)
97 PYLL due to suicide (29)
8. Supply and Utilization of Mental Health Care [n = 34 indicators]
98 Capacity of outpatient mental health care: mental health workers (15)
99* Capacity of outpatient mental health care: mental health specialists (49)
100 Capacity of inpatient mental health care (15)
101 Number of mental health hospitals (15)
102 Number of psychiatric units in general hospitals (15)
103 Number of forensic inpatient units (15)
104 Number of mental health outpatient facilities attached to a hospital (15)
105 Coverage of services for severe mental disorders (50)
106 Treatment coverage for alcohol and drug dependence (50)
107 Utilization of any health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** (15)
108 Utilization of outpatient mental health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** (15)
109 Utilization of primary health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders for mental health reasons** (29)
110 Utilization of primary health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders for physical health reasons** (51)
111* Utilization of primary health care and somatic specialist care only of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** (52)
112* Proportion of psychotherapy in outpatient mental health care** (53)
113* Proportion of pharmacotherapy in outpatient mental health care [e.g., depression]** (53)
114* Treatment with psycho- and pharmacotherapy in outpatient care** (54)
115 Utilization of inpatient care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** (34)
116* Number of inpatient cases** (55)
117 Number of days of inpatient stay** (48)
118 Hospital discharges for mental disorders (36)
119 Number of long stay patients (17)
120 Inpatient readmissions by mental health diagnoses (6)
121 Out-patient aftercare (17)
122* Utilization of psychiatric day care** (56)
123 Utilization of home treatment** (51)
124 Pre-admission community care (6)
125 Emergency room visits (19)
126 Self-help intervention utilization (17)
127 Assisted housing for persons with mental disorders (29)
128* Utilization of rehabilitation measures due to mental disorders (57)
129* Number of days of rehabilitation measures due to mental disorders (58)
130 Treatment with psychotropic drugs [e.g., antidepressants, antipsychotics, narcotic, sedative and anxiolytic substances] (59)
131 Opioid substitution treatment (60)
9. Needs, Unmet Needs and Barriers in Mental Health Care
[n = 12 indicators]
132* Perceived needs (61)
133* Help-seeking behavior due to mental disorders (62)
134* Treatment latency (63)
135 Early intervention [e.g., in psychosis]** (51)
136* Met mental health care needs for adults with mental disorders** (64)
137 Unmet mental health care needs (19)
138* Number of cases per registered psychiatrist /psychotherapist (56)
139 Waiting times ambulatory mental health care (35)
140* Waiting times inpatient mental health care (65)
141* Waiting times psychiatric daycare (65)
142 Waiting times in emergency rooms (32)
143* Access barriers in mental health care (66)
10. Quality of Care [n = 13 indicators]
144 Patient satisfaction with mental health care system (22)
145 Patient reported outcome measures (51)
146 Treatment success (17)
147* Drop-out from mental health care (67)
148 Patient education and participation (17)
149* Inclusion of family and social environment into treatment of mental disorders (68)
150 Coercive measures: involuntary admission (51)
151 Coercive measures: compulsory treatment (60)
152 Coercive measures: seclusion (22)
153* Detection of depression in primary care (69)
154* Guideline adherence mental disorders with S3 health care guidelines (53)
155* Transfer rate from primary to secondary care (52)
156* Outpatient-sensitive hospital cases (70)
11. Costs due to Mental Disorders [n = 7 indicators]
157 Total expenditure on mental health services (15)
158 Direct costs due to mental disorders (71)
159* Direct costs due to mental disorders - outpatient care (72)
160* Direct costs due to mental disorders - rehabilitation (73)
161* Indirect costs due to mental disorders (74)
162 Sickness compensation (16)
163 Disability pension for mental health reasons (75)
12. Burden of Disease and Mortality [n = 9 indicators]
164 Work loss due to mental health reasons (28)
165 Functional Impairment due to mental health reasons (59)
166 Mentally unhealthy days (36)
167 DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) (15)
168 YLDs (years lived with disability) (24)
169 Excess mortality of people with mental disorders (48)
170 Mortality for persons with severe psychiatric disorders (76)
171 Alcohol-related deaths (77)
172 Drug-related deaths (77)
13. Participation [n = 9 indicators]
173 Proportion of people with mental illnesses in employment (32)
174 Existence of employment programs for people with long-term mental problems (14)
175* Poverty among persons with mental illnesses (78)
176 Proportion of people in prison with mental illnesses (22)
177 Social and political participation in people with mental illnesses (22)
178 Housing situation of people with mental illness [e.g., homelessness] (22)
179 Discrimination due to mental health problems (22)
180* Stigma-related stress (33)
181* Stigma coping (33)
14. Sociodemographic Variables with an impact on public mental
health [n = 11 indicators]
182 Age (79)
183 Gender (79)
184 Region (79)
185 Income equality / Social deprivation of the district (GINI) (79)
186 Urbanization /Region (79)
187 Migration background/Ethnicity (79)
188 Relationship status (such as marriage) (79)
189 Unemployment (79)
190 Level of education (79)
191 Income/ Poverty (79)
192 Socio-economic status (79)

Indicator in Italics = indicator found only once.


Indicator not included in an established surveillance system.


Applicable to “any diagnosis of mental disorder” or itemized by different diagnoses.