Table 1.
# | Indicator | Reference example |
1. Mental Health Promotion and Prevention [n = 7 indicators] | ||
1 | Mental health promotion budget | (14) |
2 | Existence of mental health promotion programs | (15) |
3 | Presence of mental health promotion in schools | (14) |
4 | Presence of programs to support parenting skills | (16) |
5 | Presence of suicide prevention programs | (16) |
6 | Participation in selected or indicated preventive programs on mental health | (17) |
7 | Anti-stigma movement | (18) |
2. Mental Health Resources [n = 19 indicators] | ||
8 | Spirituality | (5) |
9 | Sleep | (19) |
10 | Healthy lifestyle [e.g., nutrition, physical activity, substance/alcohol consumption] | (20) |
11 | Self-efficacy | (21) |
12 | Resilience | (22) |
13 | Optimism | (7) |
14 | Personality | (19) |
15 | General trust | (20) |
16 | Emotional intelligence | (20) |
17* | Self-esteem | (23) |
18 | Emotion regulation | (22) |
19 | Life-domain/Work-life balance | (7) |
20 | Satisfaction with work environment | (7) |
21 | Neighborhood environment | (20) |
22 | Perceived neighbourhood security | (20) |
23 | Sense of community belonging | (19) |
24 | Community involvement | (20) |
25 | Political participation | (20) |
26 | Social support/Social network | (5) |
3. Mental Health Risks [n = 16 indicators] | ||
27 | Chronic physical diseases | (19) |
28 | Chronic pain | (19) |
29 | Family history of mental disorders | (19) |
30 | Family history of suicide-related behavior | (19) |
31 | Critical life events trauma | (24) |
32 | Adverse childhood experiences | (24) |
33 | Violence | (20) |
34 | Discrimination | (20) |
35 | Chronic stress | (25) |
36 | High job strain | (7) |
37* | Cognitive impairment | (26) |
38 | Housing conditions | (20) |
39 | Stressful neighborhood conditions | (20) |
40 | Income inequality in society | (27) |
41 | Homelessness | (28) |
42 | Loneliness | (29) |
4. Mental Health Literacy [n = 10 indicators] | ||
43 | Mental health-related knowledge | (28) |
44* | Mental health locus of control | (30) |
45 | Attitudes towards mental disorders | (28) |
46* | Attitude towards mental health services / Mental health care | (31) |
47 | Public attitudes toward people with a mental disorder | (32) |
48 | Social distance toward persons with mental disorders | (28) |
49* | Perceived legitimacy of discrimination of persons with mental disorders | (33) |
50* | Self-stigma | (31) |
51* | Help-seeking attitudes | (31) |
52 | Competence in mental health self-management | (34) |
5. Positive Mental Health [n = 5 indicators] | ||
53 | Happiness | (28) |
54 | Health-related quality of life | (35) |
55 | Life satisfaction | (20) |
56 | Well-being [e.g., emotional/subjective well-being; psychological, social, physical] | (5) |
57 | Meaning in life | (22) |
6. Psychopathology [n = 34 indicators] | ||
58 | Prevalence of psychological distress | (36) |
59* | Prevalence of burnout | (37) |
60* | Incidence of any mental disorder (all F-diagnoses) | (38) |
61 | Incidence of affective disorders | (16) |
62 | Incidence of anxiety disorders | (16) |
63* | Incidence of substance use disorders | (23) |
64* | Incidence of psychotic disorders | (39) |
65* | Incidence personality disorders | (38) |
66 | Prevalence of anxiety disorders | (36) |
67* | Prevalence of mood/Affective disorders | (40) |
68 | Prevalence of depression | (29) |
69 | Prevalence of postpartum depression | (36) |
70 | Prevalence of bipolar disorders | (36) |
71* | Prevalence manic episodes | (41) |
72 | Prevalence of alcohol use disorder | (42) |
73 | Prevalence of substance use disorder | (24) |
74 | Prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders | (43) |
75 | Prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder | (43) |
76 | Prevalence of schizophrenia | (43) |
77* | Prevalence of psychotic disorder | (41) |
78* | Prevalence of adjustment disorder | (41) |
79 | Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder | (43) |
80 | Prevalence of eating disorders | (43) |
81* | Prevalence of impulse control disorders | (41) |
82* | Prevalence of somatoform and dissociative disorders | (44) |
83 | Prevalence of personality disorders | (43) |
84 | Prevalence of sleep disorders | (19) |
85 | Prevalence of any mental disorder (all F-Diagnoses) | (22) |
86 | Prevalence of severe mental disorders | (43) |
87 | Prevalence of common/high prevalent mental disorders | (22) |
88 | Prevalence of depression and/or anxiety disorders | (45) |
89 | Prevalence of chronic mental disorders | (28) |
90 | Comorbidity physical disease | (22) |
91 | Comorbidity mental disorder | (46) |
7. Self-Harm and Suicidality [n = 6 indicators] | ||
92 | Self-harm | (19) |
93 | Suicidality [e.g., ideations, plans] | (19) |
94 | Suicide attempts | (19) |
95 | Suicide rate of the general population | (47) |
96 | Suicide rate of mental health inpatients and recently after discharge | (48) |
97 | PYLL due to suicide | (29) |
8. Supply and Utilization of Mental Health Care [n = 34 indicators] | ||
98 | Capacity of outpatient mental health care: mental health workers | (15) |
99* | Capacity of outpatient mental health care: mental health specialists | (49) |
100 | Capacity of inpatient mental health care | (15) |
101 | Number of mental health hospitals | (15) |
102 | Number of psychiatric units in general hospitals | (15) |
103 | Number of forensic inpatient units | (15) |
104 | Number of mental health outpatient facilities attached to a hospital | (15) |
105 | Coverage of services for severe mental disorders | (50) |
106 | Treatment coverage for alcohol and drug dependence | (50) |
107 | Utilization of any health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** | (15) |
108 | Utilization of outpatient mental health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** | (15) |
109 | Utilization of primary health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders for mental health reasons** | (29) |
110 | Utilization of primary health care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders for physical health reasons** | (51) |
111* | Utilization of primary health care and somatic specialist care only of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** | (52) |
112* | Proportion of psychotherapy in outpatient mental health care** | (53) |
113* | Proportion of pharmacotherapy in outpatient mental health care [e.g., depression]** | (53) |
114* | Treatment with psycho- and pharmacotherapy in outpatient care** | (54) |
115 | Utilization of inpatient care of persons with diagnosed mental disorders** | (34) |
116* | Number of inpatient cases** | (55) |
117 | Number of days of inpatient stay** | (48) |
118 | Hospital discharges for mental disorders | (36) |
119 | Number of long stay patients | (17) |
120 | Inpatient readmissions by mental health diagnoses | (6) |
121 | Out-patient aftercare | (17) |
122* | Utilization of psychiatric day care** | (56) |
123 | Utilization of home treatment** | (51) |
124 | Pre-admission community care | (6) |
125 | Emergency room visits | (19) |
126 | Self-help intervention utilization | (17) |
127 | Assisted housing for persons with mental disorders | (29) |
128* | Utilization of rehabilitation measures due to mental disorders | (57) |
129* | Number of days of rehabilitation measures due to mental disorders | (58) |
130 | Treatment with psychotropic drugs [e.g., antidepressants, antipsychotics, narcotic, sedative and anxiolytic substances] | (59) |
131 | Opioid substitution treatment | (60) |
9. Needs, Unmet Needs and Barriers in Mental Health Care | ||
[n = 12 indicators] | ||
132* | Perceived needs | (61) |
133* | Help-seeking behavior due to mental disorders | (62) |
134* | Treatment latency | (63) |
135 | Early intervention [e.g., in psychosis]** | (51) |
136* | Met mental health care needs for adults with mental disorders** | (64) |
137 | Unmet mental health care needs | (19) |
138* | Number of cases per registered psychiatrist /psychotherapist | (56) |
139 | Waiting times ambulatory mental health care | (35) |
140* | Waiting times inpatient mental health care | (65) |
141* | Waiting times psychiatric daycare | (65) |
142 | Waiting times in emergency rooms | (32) |
143* | Access barriers in mental health care | (66) |
10. Quality of Care [n = 13 indicators] | ||
144 | Patient satisfaction with mental health care system | (22) |
145 | Patient reported outcome measures | (51) |
146 | Treatment success | (17) |
147* | Drop-out from mental health care | (67) |
148 | Patient education and participation | (17) |
149* | Inclusion of family and social environment into treatment of mental disorders | (68) |
150 | Coercive measures: involuntary admission | (51) |
151 | Coercive measures: compulsory treatment | (60) |
152 | Coercive measures: seclusion | (22) |
153* | Detection of depression in primary care | (69) |
154* | Guideline adherence mental disorders with S3 health care guidelines | (53) |
155* | Transfer rate from primary to secondary care | (52) |
156* | Outpatient-sensitive hospital cases | (70) |
11. Costs due to Mental Disorders [n = 7 indicators] | ||
157 | Total expenditure on mental health services | (15) |
158 | Direct costs due to mental disorders | (71) |
159* | Direct costs due to mental disorders - outpatient care | (72) |
160* | Direct costs due to mental disorders - rehabilitation | (73) |
161* | Indirect costs due to mental disorders | (74) |
162 | Sickness compensation | (16) |
163 | Disability pension for mental health reasons | (75) |
12. Burden of Disease and Mortality [n = 9 indicators] | ||
164 | Work loss due to mental health reasons | (28) |
165 | Functional Impairment due to mental health reasons | (59) |
166 | Mentally unhealthy days | (36) |
167 | DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) | (15) |
168 | YLDs (years lived with disability) | (24) |
169 | Excess mortality of people with mental disorders | (48) |
170 | Mortality for persons with severe psychiatric disorders | (76) |
171 | Alcohol-related deaths | (77) |
172 | Drug-related deaths | (77) |
13. Participation [n = 9 indicators] | ||
173 | Proportion of people with mental illnesses in employment | (32) |
174 | Existence of employment programs for people with long-term mental problems | (14) |
175* | Poverty among persons with mental illnesses | (78) |
176 | Proportion of people in prison with mental illnesses | (22) |
177 | Social and political participation in people with mental illnesses | (22) |
178 | Housing situation of people with mental illness [e.g., homelessness] | (22) |
179 | Discrimination due to mental health problems | (22) |
180* | Stigma-related stress | (33) |
181* | Stigma coping | (33) |
14. Sociodemographic Variables with an impact on public mental | ||
health [n = 11 indicators] | ||
182 | Age | (79) |
183 | Gender | (79) |
184 | Region | (79) |
185 | Income equality / Social deprivation of the district (GINI) | (79) |
186 | Urbanization /Region | (79) |
187 | Migration background/Ethnicity | (79) |
188 | Relationship status (such as marriage) | (79) |
189 | Unemployment | (79) |
190 | Level of education | (79) |
191 | Income/ Poverty | (79) |
192 | Socio-economic status | (79) |
Indicator in Italics = indicator found only once.
Indicator not included in an established surveillance system.
Applicable to “any diagnosis of mental disorder” or itemized by different diagnoses.