XY-drift correction of CSC time-lapse images using the StackReg plugin
(A–D) Time course at 0 (A), 1 (B), 2 (C) and 3 min (D) of imaging shows a slight XY-drift towards the upper right of the image.
(E) Sum intensity projection before applying StackReg for drift correction on a movie with XY-drift shows blurred CSC tracks.
(F–I) Time course at 0 (F), 1 (G), 2 (H) and 3 min (I) of the same movie as in (A–D) after XY-drift correction with StackReg.
(J) Sum intensity projection after running StackReg to correct for XY-drift shows successfully aligned images and clear CSC tracks.
Scale bars: 20 μm.