Fig. 10.
The expression of IFN-β and ISGs in IBRS-2 and PK-15 cells induced by poly(I:C) and SeV.A, IBRS-2 cells were transfected with the vector plasmids or the plasmids expressing porcine RIG-I, MDA5, or MAVS for 24 h. The mRNA expression of IL-6 was measured by quantitative PCR (qPCR). B, IBRS-2 and PK-15 cells were infected with equal amounts of SVV for 12 h, respectively, and the mRNA expression of IL-6 was measured by qPCR. C and D, IBRS-2 and PK-15 cells were mock transfected or transfected with poly(I:C) for 12 h, respectively. The mRNA expression of IFN-β, ISG15, and MX1 was measured by qPCR. E, IBRS-2 and PK-15 cells were infected with equal amounts of SeV for 24 h, respectively, and the mRNA expression of IFN-β was measured by qPCR. F, equal amounts of IBRS-2 and PK-15 cells were collected and lysed with ice-cold lysis buffer. The protein levels of TBK1, IRF7, and IRF3 were measured by Western blotting analysis. IBRS-2, Instituto Biologico-Rim Suino-2; IFN-β, interferon beta; ISG, interferon-stimulated gene; IL-6, interleukin 6; IRF3, IFN regulatory factor 3; IRF7, IFN regulatory factor 7; PK-15, porcine kidney-15 cells; SeV, Sendai virus; SVV, Seneca Valley virus; TBK1, TANK-binding kinase 1.