Table 4.
Quotes illustrating themes for parents and children.
Parent Themes | Exemplar Quotes |
Weighing up risks and benefits | ‘I think the benefits, both individually and collectively hugely outweigh any risks.’ (Metro Melbourne), Father ‘There is little evidence to prove the benefits outweigh the risks.’ (Far North QLD), Mother |
Benefits | ‘I will do anything reasonably safe to protect myself and vulnerable people in the community.’ (Alice Springs NT), Mother ‘It's the only way to expect life to resume as we knew it without suffering huge numbers of cases like in the USA and UK.’ (Metro Adelaide), Mother |
Risks | ‘Don't believe it is necessary, not tested for safety, not even sure whether covid is as big an issue as is being said.’ (Regional QLD), Mother ‘I've had an known reaction to the flu vaccine so we have to make sure I won't react badly.’ (Metro Melbourne), Mother |
Sitting on the sidelines | ‘I believe it has been rushed. I'd rather wait a bit longer to see if there are any long term issues from a rushed vaccine.’ (Metro Brisbane), Mother ‘Wait to see how it goes in the rest of the world. Side effects would be the biggest concern.’ (Regional QLD), Mother ‘We are lucky we don't have to go first as Australia is not in a crisis. We have time to make a considered decision as a country and as parents.’ (Metro Melbourne), Mother |
Whom to trust? | ‘If it is recommended by the medical professionals and regulators charged with the assessing the risks and benefits, then we will follow their advice. If we are having car trouble, we seek an expert mechanics advice, rather than listen to members of the general public who have read a couple of article and think they are handy.’ (Metro Brisbane), Father ‘Vaccines save lives (you can quote me… im an RN).’ (Central QLD), Father ‘I dont trust that Big Pharma and those who profit of it have the best interests of the general population at heart. And there is a long history to show that government and pharmaceutical companies put profit before lives.’ (Metro Melbourne), Mother |
Child Themes | Exemplar Quotes |
Vaccine risks are higher and benefits lower for children | ‘I'm willing to take … myself as the benefits outweigh the risks, but unsure about this balance for my children.’ (Metro Melbourne), Mother ‘Am contemplating if it's better for them to just get the virus rather [than] the vaccine.’ (Metro Melbourne), Mother ‘I don't particularly want them to be guinea pigs. Will it affect their fertility? Will it have unintended consequences?’ (Regional VIC), Mother |
To parent is to protect | ‘I'm pro preventative care, I want to protect their future and the future generations.’ (Metro Adelaide), Mother ‘My children have received every other vaccine I don't see how this one is any different.’ (Regional VIC), Mother ‘Children are the least likely to contract and spread so while it is new maybe we should protect them from potential side effects’ (Metro ACT), Mother |
The guidance void | ‘There hasn't been much information about children being vaccinated or the recommendation to do so … If it is recommended then I will get them vaccinated.’ (Metro Melbourne), Mother ‘I will probably get my children immunised as well, a friend cast doubt in my mind about whether it might cause long term issues for children, however, I'm sure once it's come out and eventually become available I will speak to other friends in the medical field and feel more confident about vaccinating my children against COVID 19.’ (Metro Melbourne), Mother ‘I'd love more information from medical professionals, along with examples of doctors children receiving it. I'm concerned we aren't aware of any long term side effects or complications in child development. We all know the thalidomide horror story.’ (Metro Sydney), Mother |
Quotes are verbatim.