Fig. 2.
Competitive fitness assay across seven generations in both DMSO and ABZ.
(A) A barcoded N2 wild-type strain was competed with strains harboring different ben-1 alleles in DMSO control conditions. The generation is shown on the x-axis, and the relative allele frequency of the genome-edited ben-1 allele is shown on the y-axis. (B) The log2-transformed competitive fitness of each allele is plotted. The allele tested is shown on the x-axis, and the competitive fitness is shown on the y-axis. Each point represents a biological replicate of that competition experiment. Data are shown as Tukey box plots with the median as a solid horizontal line, and the top and bottom of the box representing the 75th and 25th quartiles, respectively. The top whisker is extended to the maximum point that is within 1.5 interquartile range from the 75th quartile. The bottom whisker is extended to the minimum point that is within 1.5 interquartile range from the 25th quartile. Significant differences between the wild-type strain and all other alleles are shown as asterisks above the data from each strain (p > 0.05 = ns, p < 0.0001 = ****, Tukey HSD). (C) A barcoded N2 wild-type strain was competed with strains harboring different ben-1 alleles in 1.25 μM ABZ. (D) The log2-transformed competitive fitness of each allele is plotted. Each point represents one biological replicate of the competition assay. Data are plotted as in (B).