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. 2021 Oct 11;129(3):334–343. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2021.10.007

Table 3.

Unadjusted Analyses of Associations with COVID-19 Infection (N = 5 806 227)

Variable No COVID-19 Infection
N = 5 546 131
COVID-19 Infection
N = 260 096
Unadjusted Analysis
N (%) or Mean (SD) N (%) or Mean (SD) Hazard Ratio (95% CI) P Value
Noninfectious uveitis 28 161 (0.5) 1708 (0.7) 1.25 (1.19, 1.31) <0.001
Age (yrs) 50.1 (23.5) 53.8 (22.2) 1.006 (1.005, 1.006) <0.001
Continuous enrollment (yrs) 6.5 (3.8) 6.6 (3.8) 1.001 (1.000, 1.002) 0.30
 Female 2 848 089 (51.4) 138 689 (53.3) Reference
 Male 2 695 085 (48.6) 121 321 (46.6) 0.94 (0.93, 0.94) <0.001
 Unknown 2957 (0.05) 86 (0.03) 0.56 (0.45, 0.69) <0.001
 White 3 578 712 (64.5) 158 984 (61.1) Reference
 Asian 292 676 (5.3) 7385 (2.8) 0.60 (0.59, 0.62) <0.001
 Black 557 820 (10.1) 29 477 (11.3) 1.20 (1.18, 1.21) <0.001
 Hispanic 636 600 (11.5) 39 646 (15.2) 1.45 (1.43, 1.46) <0.001
 Other/Unknown 480 323 (8.7) 24 604 (9.5) 1.11 (1.10, 1.13) <0.001
 South 2 384 178 (43.0) 119,328 (45.9) Reference
 Midwest 1 465 322 (26.4) 69,910 (26.9) 0.94 (0.94, 0.95) <0.001
 Northeast 603 354 (10.9) 37,022 (14.2) 1.22 (1.20, 1.23) <0.001
 West 914 564 (16.5) 33 589 (12.9) 0.77 (0.76, 0.78) <0.001
 Other/Unknown 178 713 (3.2) 247 (0.1) 0.03 (0.03, 0.04) <0.001
 Probable homeowner 3 806 910 (68.6) 174 451 (67.1) Reference
 Probable renter 421 650 (7.6) 21 218 (8.2) 1.15 (1.13, 1.17) <0.001
 Unknown 1 317 571 (23.8) 64 427 (24.8) 1.11 (1.10, 1.12) <0.001
Smoking status
 Never smoker 805 248 (14.5) 45 815 (17.6) Reference
 Current/former smoker 887 685 (16.0) 50 792 (19.5) 1.02 (1.01, 1.04) <0.001
 Unknown 3 853 198 (69.5) 163 489 (62.9) 0.79 (0.78, 0.79) <0.001
Asthma 308 506 (5.6) 19 114 (7.4) 1.33 (1.31, 1.35) <0.001
Autoimmune disease 400 567 (7.2) 25 187 (9.7) 1.34 (1.32, 1.36) <0.001
Cancer 297 991 (5.4) 16 326 (6.3) 1.16 (1.14, 1.18) <0.001
Cardiovascular disease 568 500 (10.3) 42 505 (16.3) 1.67 (1.65, 1.69) <0.001
Cerebrovascular 255 328 (4.6) 19 878 (7.6) 1.69 (1.66, 1.71) <0.001
Chronic kidney disease 413 847 (7.5) 31 564 (12.1) 1.67 (1.65, 1.69) <0.001
Chronic lung disease 413 014 (7.5) 29 058 (11.2) 1.54 (1.53, 1.56) <0.001
Diabetes 793 551 (14.3) 57 009 (21.9) 1.62 (1.61, 1.64) <0.001
Hemoglobin disorder 8087 (0.2) 510 (0.2) 1.32 (1.21, 1.44) <0.001
HIV/AIDS 11 157 (0.2) 866 (0.3) 1.67 (1.56, 1.79) <0.001
Hypertension 1 902 370 (34.3) 114 551 (44.0) 1.43 (1.42, 1.44) <0.001
Liver disease 10 363 (0.2) 769 (0.3) 1.72 (1.60, 1.85) <0.001
Neurologic disease 207 005 (3.7) 25 168 (9.7) 2.84 (2.81, 2.88) <0.001
Obesity 588 969 (10.6) 39 911 (15.3) 1.48 (1.47, 1.50) <0.001
Solid organ transplant 15 075 (0.3) 1033 (0.4) 1.44 (1.35, 1.53) <0.001
Pregnancy 58 723 (1.1) 3586 (1.4) 1.30 (1.26, 1.34) <0.001
Systemic corticosteroids 585 400 (10.6) 37 922 (14.6) 1.34 (1.33, 1.36) <0.001
DMARDs 49 539 (0.9) 3016 (1.2) 1.22 (1.18, 1.27) <0.001
TNF-α inhibitors 15 731 (0.3) 918 (0.4) 1.20 (1.13, 1.28) <0.001
IL-6 inhibitors 718 (0.01) 42 (0.02) 1.18 (0.87, 1.60) 0.28
Other biologics 12 896 (0.2) 784 (0.3) 1.24 (1.16, 1.33) <0.001
Other immunosuppressive drugs 19 496 (0.4) 1210 (0.5) 1.25 (1.18, 1.33) <0.001

AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; CI = confidence interval; COVID-19 = Coronavirus Disease 2019; DMARD = disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; IL-6 = interleukin 6; SD = standard deviation; TNF-α = tumor necrosis factor alpha.

P values calculated from Cox proportional hazards models. Reference groups for comorbidities and medications are the group of patients without the given disease or without a prescription for the given medication.