Table 2.
Statistics | LOS (Days) β(95%CI) P-value | |
Age (years) group | ||
< 60 | 472 (19.95%) | Reference |
> =60, < 70 | 1011 (42.73%) | 0.30 (− 0.22, 0.83) 0.2604 |
> =70, < 80 | 744 (31.45%) | 1.14 (0.58, 1.70) < 0.0001 |
> =80 | 139 (5.87%) | 2.43 (1.52, 3.35) < 0.0001 |
Sex | ||
Female | 1794 (75.82%) | Reference |
Male | 572 (24.18%) | −0.14 (− 0.60, 0.32) 0.5539 |
Ethnicity | ||
Chinese | 1987 (83.98%) | Reference |
Malay | 169 (7.14%) | −0.48 (−1.24, 0.28) 0.2185 |
Indian | 137 (5.79%) | 0.00 (− 0.84, 0.84) 0.9975 |
Others | 73 (3.09%) | 0.63 (−0.51, 1.77) 0.2790 |
BMI group | ||
< 25 | 726 (31.44%) | Reference |
> =25, < 30 | 963 (41.71%) | −0.28 (−0.73, 0.16) 0.2159 |
> =30, < 35 | 467 (20.23%) | −0.38 (− 0.92, 0.16) 0.1692 |
> =35 | 153 (6.63%) | 0.30 (−0.51, 1.11) 0.4650 |
ASA Status | ||
1 | 161 (6.80%) | Reference |
2 | 2058 (86.98%) | 0.45 (− 0.32, 1.22) 0.2526 |
3 | 147 (6.21%) | 3.98 (2.91, 5.05) < 0.0001 |
Hb(g/dL) group | ||
> =13 | 1314 (55.54%) | Reference |
> =11, < 13 | 888 (37.53%) | 0.66 (0.25, 1.07) 0.0018 |
< 11 | 164 (6.93%) | 2.09 (1.31, 2.88) < 0.0001 |
Duration of surgery (mins) group | ||
< 60 | 320 (13.52%) | Reference |
> =60, < 120 | 1903 (80.43%) | 0.26 (−0.31, 0.84) 0.3678 |
> =120 | 143 (6.04%) | 1.74 (0.78, 2.69) 0.0004 |
Smoking | 225 (9.51%) | −0.49 (−1.16, 0.18) 0.1525 |
OSA | 214 (9.04%) | −0.62 (− 1.30, 0.07) 0.0765 |
DM | 446 (18.85%) | 0.94 (0.44, 1.44) 0.0002 |
IHD | 127 (5.37%) | 1.71 (0.85, 2.58) 0.0001 |
CCF | 18 (0.76%) | 5.90 (3.65, 8.14) < 0.0001 |
CVA | 45 (1.90%) | 1.21 (−0.23, 2.64) 0.0993 |
Creatinine > 2 mg/dl | 18 (0.76%) | 6.53 (4.28, 8.77) < 0.0001 |
DM on insulin | 39 (1.65%) | 0.30 (−1.25, 1.84) 0.7078 |
Day of week of operation | ||
Monday | 390 (16.48%) | Reference |
Tuesday | 539 (22.78%) | −0.31 (− 0.94, 0.32) 0.3404 |
Wednesday | 405 (17.12%) | −0.62 (−1.30, 0.05) 0.0691 |
Thursday | 533 (22.53%) | −1.29 (− 1.92, − 0.66) < 0.0001 |
Friday | 378 (15.98%) | 0.27 (−0.41, 0.96) 0.4340 |
Saturday | 121 (5.11%) | −1.31 (−2.30, −0.32) 0.0095 |
Abbreviations: LOS Length of stay, ASA American Society of Anesthesiologist Physical Status, OSA Obstructive sleep apnea, DM Diabetes mellitus, IHD Ischaemic heart disease, CCF Congestive cardiac failure, CVA Cerebrovascular accidents