Fig. 3.
Colocalization pairs at the 17q asthma susceptibility locus. Upper panel: Box plots for the co-localized ORMDL3 eQTL in cultured AECs treated with vehicle (A; β = 0.06; 95% CI 0.07, 0.04) and RV (B; β = 0.06; 95% CI 0.08, 0.05). ORMDL3 gene expression decreases after treatment with RV (C). Box plots of the cg21230266 meQTL treated with vehicle (D) and RV (E), and methylation levels at cg21230266 (F). The meQTLs and overall methylation levels are similar in vehicle and RV treatments. P values and FDR adjusted P values (Padj) are shown in each box plot. Lower panel: The extended 17q12-21 locus. Co-localizations are shown by the vertical colored lines. Solid lines indicate the position of the colocalized SNP. Dashed lines indicate the location of meCpG pairs. Traits of the same co-localization are shown in the same color. The eQTL-meQTL-GWAS co-localization for ORMDL3 is shown in orange, and the eQTL-meQTL-GWAS co-localization for ERBB2 is shown in green