SYVN1 interacts with HSP90 and affects EEF2K ubiquitination. (A) Lysates from LM3 and HUH7 cells were subjected to SYVN1 and IgG pull‐down followed by protein detection using LC‐MS. The data were derived from three biological replicates. (B) Pearson's correlation plots for the protein intensities of HSP90AB1 and SYVN1 in 30 patients as detected by whole‐cell proteome analysis. (C) Lysates from 293T, LM3, and HUH7 cells were subjected to SYVN1 and HSP90 pull‐down followed by SDS‐PAGE and Western blotting. (D) HUH7 cells were fixed and stained using antibodies against SYVN1 (red), HSP90 (green), and DAPI (blue). (E) HSP90AB1 expression in tumor tissues and peritumoral tissues from whole‐cell proteome analysis. (F) EEF2K protein expression in tumor tissues and peritumoral tissues quantified by Western blotting. (G) The protein levels of EEF2K in HCC and normal tissues acquired from GEPIA. (H) Lysates from LM3 cells infected with lentiviral shNC or shSYVN1 were subjected to EEF2K pull‐down followed by SDS‐PAGE and Western blotting. Error bars represent the standard deviation. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. Abbreviations: HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; EM, HCC with vascular invasion; NO, HCC without vascular invasion; T, tumor tissue; Pt, peritumoral tissue