Table 1.
Description of employment trajectories identified in the cohort. [UE=unemployment; PER=precarious employment relationship; SSE=solo self-employment; HMJH=hybrid multiple job-holding; BO= business ownership; SER= standard employment relationship; SER/HI=standard employment relationship with high income; LQ=low quality; HQ=high quality].
Constant trajectories | |
Classification: Spending 4-5 years in a specific employment state, or in combinations of LQ (UE, PER, SSE) or HQ (BO, SER, SER/HI) employment states, independent of order through time. See examples under each specific trajectory. | |
SER | Spending 4-5 years in SER. Example: SER-SER-PER-SER-SER, SER-SER-SER-SER-SER |
BO | Spending 4-5 years in BO. Example: BO-BO-BO-BO-BO, BO-HMJH-BO-BO-BO |
SSE a | Spending 4-5 years in SSE. Example: SSE-SSE-SSE-SSE-PER, SSE-SSE-SSE-SSE-SSE |
PER a | Spending 4-5 years in PER. Example: UE-PER-PER-PER-PER, PER-PER-PER-PER-PER |
UE a | Spending 4-5 years in UE. Example: UE-UE-HMJH-UE-UE, UE-UE-UE-UE-UE |
HQ | Spending 4-5 years in any other combination of HQ employment states (BO, SER, SER-high income). Example: BO-HMJH-SER-SER/HI-BO, SER-SER-SER/HI-SER/HI-BO |
LQ a | Spending 4-5 years in any other combination of LQ employment states (UE, PER, SSE). Example: PER-SSE-HMJH-UE-PER, UE-PER-PER-PER-HMJH, PER-PER-PER-SSE-UE |
Fluctuating trajectories | |
Classification: Spending a minimum of two years in two employment states with fluctuating movement in-and-out of the these. Combinations of LQ- and HQ-employment states are also included (if a minimum of two years in the LQ- and HQ-classes, respectively). See examples under each specific trajectory. | |
HQ | Fluctuating movement in-and-out of BO and SER, BO and SER/HI or SER and SER/HI. Example: UE-SER-SER/HI-SER-SER/HI, BO-BO-SER/HI-BO-SER/HI |
LQ a | Fluctuating movement in-and-out of UE and PER, UE and SSE, or PER and SSE. Example: PER-SE-SE-PER-SER, UE-PER-UE-PER-PER |
HQ and HMJH | Fluctuating movement in-and-out of BO and HMJH, SER and HMJH, SER/HI and HMJH, or any other combination of HQ employment states and HMJH. Example: SER-HMJH-HMJH-SER/HI-SER, HMJH-BO-HMJH-BO-SSE, SER-SER-HMJH-HMJH-SER/HI |
LQ and HMJH a | Fluctuating movement in-and-out of UE and HMJH, PER and HMJH, SSE and HMJH, or any other combination of LQ employment states and HMJH. Example: PER-HMJH-HMJH-UE-PER, SER/HI-PER-HMJH-PER-HMJH, SSE-UE-HMJH-HMJH-PER |
LQ and HQ a | Fluctuating movement in-and-out of UE and BO, UE and SER, UE and SER/HI, PER and BO, PER and SER, PER and SER/HI, SSE and BO, SSE and SER, SSE and SER/HI, or other combinations LQ- and HQ-employment states. Example: BO-SER-PER-SER-PER, SSE-BO-BO-SSE-UE, PER-PER-BO-PER-SER |
Trajectories characterized by mobility | |
Classification: Spending a minimum of one year in one employment state at the beginning of the trajectory, followed by a minimum of two years in another employment state at the end of the trajectory. The last two years could also be characterized by combinations of LQ- or HQ-employment states. Mobility can be upwards, downwards, within or between. See examples under each specific trajectory. | |
Within HQ | Moving from one HQ state to another HQ state, i.e., from BO to SER or SER/HI, from SER to SER/HI or BO, or from SER/HI to SER or BO. Example: SER/HI-BO-HMJH-SER-SER |
Between HMJH and HQ |
Moving between a HQ state and HMJH or the other way around, i.e., between BO, SER or SER/HI and HMJH, or between HMJH and BO, SER or SER/HI. Example: SER-SER/HI-BO-HMJH-HMJH, BO-BO-HMJH-HMJH-UE, HMJH-HMJH-SER/HI-SER/HI-SER/HI, HMJH-PER-UE-SER-SER |
Between HMJH and LQ a |
Moving between a LQ state and HMJH or the other way around, i.e., between UE, PER or SSE and HMJH, or HMJH and UE, PER or SSE. Example: PER-SSE-HMJH-HMJH-HMJH, UE-UE-SER-HMJH-HMJH, HMJH-SER-SER-UE-SSE, HMJH-HMJH-SSE-PER-PER |
Within LQ a | Moving from one LQ state to another LQ state, i.e., from UE to PER or SSE, from PER to SSE or UE, or from SSE to UE or PER. Example: PER-SER-HMJH-UE-UE, UE-SER-SER-SSE-SSE |
Upwards LQ to HQ | Moving from UE, PER, SSE to BO, SER, SER/HI or a combination of HQ employment states. Example: PER-PER-SER-SER/HI-SER/HI, SSE-HMJH-HMJH-BO-BO, PER-SSE-SER-SER-SER/HI |
Downwards HQ to LQ a |
Moving from BO, SER or SER/HI to UE, PER, SSE or a combination of LQ employment states. Example: BO-BO-HMJH-PER-PER, SER-SER/HI-BO-SSE-SSE, SER-PER-HMJH-PER-SSE |
Other trajectories | |
Classification: Any other combination of employment states, UE, PER, SSE, BO, SER, SER/HI, not following any clear pattern and not otherwise classified |
Low-quality employment trajectories (according to the a priori hypotheses of the study).