(A) The association of Mvp1 with the retromer complex. Vps5-FLAG was immunoprecipitated (IP) from cells expressing Vps17-HA, Vps26-Myc, and Mvp1-GFP, and the IP products were analyzed by immunoblotting using antibodies against FLAG, hemagglutinin (HA), Myc, Vps29, Vps35, green fluorescent protein (GFP), and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH). (B) Mvp1 binding to the retromer subunits. Mvp1-FLAG was immunoprecipitated from cells expressing Vps17-HA, and the IP products were analyzed by immunoblotting using antibodies against Vps5, HA, Vps26, Vps29, Vps35, and G6PDH. (C and D) Localization of GFP-Neo1 with Sec7-mCherry as a marker for the trans-Golgi (C) and Nhx1-mCherry as a marker for the endosome (D). (E and F) Localization of Kex2-GFP (E) and GFP-Neo1 (F) in wild-type (WT), vps35Δ, and mvp1Δ cells. (G) Hypothesis of Mvp1-mediated recycling. (H) Vps55-GFP localization in sec18ts mutants at 26°C or 37°C for 60 min. (I) Electron microscopy (EM) analysis of the isolated Vps55-FLAG-containing structures. Vps55-FLAG-containing structures were immunoisolated from sec18ts mutants incubated at 37°C for 1 hr, and then eluated using FLAG peptides. Eluated products were analyzed by negative-stain EM. (J) Immunoisolation of Vps10-containing vesicles. Vps10-FLAG-containing structures were immunoisolated from sec18ts mutants incubated at 37°C for 1 hr, and the isolated structures were analyzed by immunblotting using antibodies against FLAG, GFP, and G6PDH. (K) Live-cell imaging of Vps55-mNeonGreen and Vps10-mCherry. (L) GFP-Snc1 localization in WT, snx4Δ, and mvp1Δ cells. (M) Nhx1 localization in vps35Δ snx4Δ, vps35Δ mvp1Δ, and snx4Δ mvp1Δ cells. Scale bar: 1 µm.