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. 2021 Aug 19;189(3):689–699. doi: 10.1007/s10549-021-06334-0

Table 4.

Efficacy results as per local investigator assessment (full analysis set)

All patients, n (%) N = 3,246
Best overall response
 CR 99 (3.0)
 PR 851 (26.2)
 Non-CR/Non-PDa 952 (29.3)
 SD 813 (25.0)
 PD 178 (5.5)
 Unknown 353 (10.9)
ORR: CR + PR [95% CI] 950 (29.3) [27.7–30.9]
CBR: CR + PR + (SD + non-CR/non-PD ≥ 24 weeks) [95% CI] 2,294 (70.7) [69.1–72.2]
All patients, months (95% CI)
 Median PFS 26.7 (24.8–30.1)
Patients with measurable disease at baseline, n (%) 2,079 (64.0)
 Best overall responseb
  CR 56 (2.7)
  PR 851 (40.9)
  SD 810 (39.0)
  PD 134 (6.4)
  Unknown 228 (11.0)
ORR: CR + PR [95% CI]b 907 (43.6) [41.5–45.8]
CBR: CR + PR + (SD + non-CR/non-PD ≥ 24 weeks) [95% CI]a,b 1,437 (69.1) [67.1–71.1]

Response classifications are defined in Online Resource 2

CBR clinical benefit rate, CI confidence interval, CR complete response, ORR overall response rate, PD progressive disease, PFS progression‑free survival, PR partial response, SD stable disease

aUsed instead of “Unknown” wherever possible (i.e., in situations where, based on available information, expert judgment could be used to identify equivocal progression [i.e., PD] or definitively rule this out)

bPercentages are based on population of patients with measurable disease at baseline