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. 2021 Jun 3;58(11):1451–1469. doi: 10.1007/s00592-021-01742-6

Table 2.

Overview of characteristic of decision models in type 2 diabetes (sorted by year of publication)

Model Intervention and comparator Basic data entered Risk factors (base case) Discounting Model outcomes
Name (base case)
NIDDM [20] NR Age, sex, ethnicity, age at diagnosis of diabetes Age, BMI, smoking, race, cholesterol, BP, income, physical activity, stress score marital status, occupation and family history of MI NR LY, ICER, costs, the cumulative incidence of complications
DCEM [12] Intensive Glycemic control and conventional treatment Age, sex, ethnicity, hypertension status, hypercholesterolemia status and current smoking status NR 3% per-annual LY, ICER, QALY, the number of discounted QALYS, costs the cumulative incidence of complications
Archimedes [19] Three main types of treatments (1) Insulin; (2) Oral drugs; (3) Lifestyle (diet and exercise) NR NR NR LY, ICER, QALY, costs, the cumulative incidence of complications, expected
CDM [27] Multiple interventions (1) Conventional therapy, (2) Intensive therapy Age, sex, ethnicity, duration of diabetes, HbA1c, smoking, BP, BMI, Lipid levels, baseline complications Age, BMI, HbA1c, SBP, T- CHOL, HDL, LDL, TRIG, smoking, alcohol consumption, duration of diabetes NR LY, ICER, QALY, costs, the cumulative incidence of complications, an accept- ability curve and/or NHB
UKPDS-OM1 [21] (1) Conventional blood glucose control; (2) Intensive blood glucose control Age, sex, ethnicity, HbA1c, BMI, smoking, BP, HDL age at diagnosis of diabetes, atrial fibrillation at diagnosis, PVD at diagnosis, history of diabetes related events, risk factors HbA1c, SBP, HDL, smoking NR LY, QALY, costs, the cumulative incidence of complications
Michigan [9]

(1)diet and exercise;

(2) oral anti-diabetic

(3) insulin

Age, sex, ethnicity, HbA1c,BMI, smoking, SBP, age at diagnosis of diabetes, length of time in the current health, hypertension, serum total cholesterol level NR NR Health utility scores, costs, the cumulative incidence of complications
Cardiff [10] NR Age, sex, ethnicity, smoking, duration of diabetes, risk factors HbA1c,SBP,HDL, Weight, total cholesterol 6% per-annum (costs) 1.5% per-annum (benefits) QALY, cost, total number of clinical events
ODEM [11] A multidisciplinary primary care diabetes management program Age, sex, ethnicity, HbA1c,BMI, smoking, SBP, DBP, HDL, total cholesterol, age at diagnosis diabetes, medical history, history of other medical conditions HbA1c,SBP,HDL, total, cholesterol, smoking 3% per-annual LY, ICER, QALY, costs, the cumulative incidence of complications
Sheffield [22] DESMOND intervention Age, sex, ethnicity, HbA1c, BMI, smoking, SBP, HDL, total cholesterol, age at diagnosis of diabetes, therapy at entry HbA1c,BP, lipid concentration, smoking 3.5% per annum LY, ICER, QALY, costs, CEAC, the cumulative incidence of complication
UKPDS-OM2 [28]

(1) Conventional blood glucose control;

(2) Intensive blood glucose control;

Demographic factors(age, sex, BMI, ethnicity, duration of diabetes), risk factors, event history HbA1c,SBP,HDL,LDL, eGFR, HR, PVD, smoking, WBC, atrial fibrillation, albuminuria, hemoglobin NR LY, QALY, costs, annual incidence of death or complications
ECHO [24] Anti-diabetes treatment Age, sex, HbA1c,BMI,SBP, HDL, duration of diabetes, history of pre-existing micro- and macro-vascular disease Same with “basic data entered” NR LY, ICER, QALY, costs, mean survival, NMBs
IHE [136]

(1)Improved lifestyle patterns;

(2)drug therapy

Age, sex, ethnicity, HbA1c,BMI, smoking, SBP, DBP, HDL, LDL, TC, WBC, HR, eGFR, duration of disease Demographics(age, gender, ethnicity),biomarkers(HbA1c, SBP, DBP, TC, LDL, HDL, BMI, WBC, HR, eGFR), Pre-existing complications NR LY, ICER, QALY, NMBs the cumulative incidence of complications
COMT [147] Anti-diabetic therapy Age, sex, ethnicity, HbA1c, HDL, smoking, BP, history of cardiovascular disease, medication history, SR, urine albumin/creatinine ratio Age, sex, ethnicity, smoking, BMI, SBP, total/HDL cholesterol age at diagnosis diabetes, history of diabetes complications 5% per-annual LY, ICER, QALY, cost DALY, the cumulative incidence of complications
CDS [154] NR Age, sex, ethnicity,HbA1c,BMI, smoking, SBP, HDL, LDL,HR, hemoglobin, albuminuria, PVD, eGFR, WBC, the baseline complications, age at diagnosis diabetes Age, sex, ethnicity, smoking, HbA1c,BMI,SBP,HR, LDL,HDL, hemoglobin, albuminuria, PVD, eGFR, WBC NR LY, ICER, QALY, cost, the cumulative incidence of complications

BMI Body Mass Index, BP blood pressure, CEAC cost-effectiveness acceptability curve, DBP diastolic blood pressure, DALY disability-adjusted life-year, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, HR heart rate, HDL high-density lipoprotein, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratios, LY life year, LDL low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, MI myocardial infarction, NHB net health benefit, NMB(s) net monetary benefit(s), PVD peripheral vascular disease, QALY quality-adjusted life year, SBP systolic blood pressure, T-CHOL/TC total cholesterol, TRIG triglycerides, WBC white blood cell, NR not reported