Figure 8.
Broad schematic representation of the C1, N, and C metabolism, reflecting 5-F-THF as a nexus between the three metabolisms. Known- and high-affinity FFBPs/enzymes are depicted. The two N metabolism-related high-affinity FFBPs, the GSs—GLN1;1 and GLN1;4 are encircled with blue fill, the C metabolism-related high-affinity FFBP, PSBQ1, with pink fill, and the four C1 metabolism-related FFBPs, DHFR-TS1 and 2( high-affinity), SHMT1 (known) and 5FCL (known), with yellow fill. The encircled high-affinity FFBPs indicated on the left hand of the scheme have broad association with N metabolism, more specifically in amino acid and protein metabolism—RPS18, RPL12-A, RPL12-C, S11 family protein (RPS14C), RPS7A, RPL13AD, translation elongation factor gamma chain (EF1Bγ1 and EF1Bγ2), RRF, and CCT4. The scheme is proposed as a reference road map for future studies involving characterization of these bindings as well as functional relevance in folate-mediated plant development.