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. 2021 Sep 28;12:727585. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.727585


Single fiber characteristics for DIAm Force Model.

Fiber type Fatigue index Contribution to total DIAm volume (%) 6-month Maximum specific force (N/cm2) 6-month Residual specific force (N/cm2) 6-month Contribution to total DIAm volume (%) 24-month Maximum specific force (N/cm2) 24-month Residual specific force (N/cm2) 24-month
Type I 0.8a 14 20b 16d 28 20 16d
Type IIa 0.8a 14 24b 19d 21 24 19d
Type IIx/IIb 0.1a 72 33b 3d 51 23c 2d

aFatigue index based on past reports for DIAm motor units (Fournier and Sieck, 1988).

bSpecific force data from DIAm single fibers was published previously (Geiger et al., 2000, 2001a, 2002).

cDerived from observed reductions in total MyHC expression, and attributed to the vulnerable type IIx/IIb fibers (Elliott et al., 2016).

dResidual specific forces following fatigue calculated from values derived from a, b, and c.